How to Do a Squat | Gym Workout

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Hi guys! This is Max Tapper again for Howcast. Today, I’m going to show you guys how to do a squat. Yes! The squat is one of those awesome, full body exercises that targets your legs, your abdominals, even your upper body muscles, and I’m going to show you how to do it.

Initially, what we’re looking for is to get on the bar and get this bar on our traps, right around here, exact position. Now, we’re going to press up. Now, slow and controlled, we’re going to lower that weight down, and our initial motion should be butt, back, and sit, like we’re sitting in a chair.

Squat, back, pause, up. All right?

Squat, back, pause at the bottom, and up.

One more time. Slow on the way down. Squat, back, pause, and up.

Let me show you from the side because there’s some very important things that we need to do in the squat.

Initially, our body position needs to be here. First motion is back. It’s never this. That’s what a lot of people do in a squat, and they do it wrong because they put their weight on their toes. It goes into their knees. What we want you to do is sit back, stand on your heels, butt back, like you’re sitting on a chair.

Squat, back, pause, slowly up.

Squat, back, pause, slowly up.

That is the proper way to do a squat. Now, get out there, challenge yourself, again guys, use a weight that you can definitely control. The rep range you want to be in is about 12. Use a weight you can control, get out there, be safe, and have a good time.


42 responses to “How to Do a Squat | Gym Workout”

  1. Thanks for the tip Max. I had back surgery two years ago and I'm needing to strengthen my core and I am considering putting this into my routine. Do you know of anyone that has had back surgery that do squats?

  2. No coverage about: footwear, ankle mobility, hip mobility, limb differences, upright squatting, shoulder mobility, spine positioning, multi directional movement pattern, low bar vs high bar and worst of all this ''trainer'' doesn't even squat below parallel

  3. Step one, ditch the sissy pad. The foam makes the bar feel unbalanced and effects the body's natural recruitment patterns. Don't sit back, break at the hips and knees almost at the same time.

  4. how long did it take u to get those abs man? I'm about 8 weeks in doing ab workouts 2-3 times a week and I'm seeing it come in but I'd like a little better results. any tips? I hear cardio from some people but they don't have a 6 pack so I tend to not really listen to them haha

  5. I just pulled a back muscle recently with bad form. remember to never round your back, keep it straight. I rounded mine and am just now recovering after almost 3 weeks, keep your chest out, and chin slightly up to help out, also always go low, lower than 90° if possible

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