How to Render Fire in Cycles

Discover how to simulate smoke and fire, then render it using Cycles!
Made for Blender 2.73


30 responses to “How to Render Fire in Cycles”

  1. i wanna make a world map, just grassy areas, sand areas, jungle areas, all that, any tips for that, i am very beginner and shit at blender, know the basics, gonna watch your cave and grassy meadow tutorials now though if anyone has any tutorials showing world maps and stuff, how to make them etc lemme know plz!

  2. Does anyone know how to…. i guess reverse the gravity of the flame. I'm using it as rocket engine exhaust but when i just tried to rotate the emitter and domain by 180 degrees the flame was still moving upwards and not in the direction that i want it to

  3. I spent a year, 8hrs. a day including weekends (excluding time to eat, sleep and go to the bathroom) on finding the perfect fire settings. Andrew's settings are better than mine, and the first sentence was a lie.

  4. Wow. You must have spent hours doing the online research, more hours testing by trial and error, and are kind enough to present it in a neatly packaged one hour tutorial. You deserve the highest of high fives!

  5. Good Morning Andrew,
    I'm having a bit of a problem this morning I',m taking your tutorial have, but I go to the node editor for smoke domain material and there's nothing there! no nodes I've looked everywhere. yet the fire renders. any help thanks, Grandpa Andy.

  6. Dot product is a calculus thing and what it is doing is basically finding the projected length of the one vector on the other vector and the reason why it works is because since it is the same vector going in, you get the magnitude of the vector out at the very end (and therefore, its speed)

  7. I'm trying to follow this tutorial using 2.78c and switching from the Domain tab to Flow tab in the smoke settings gets rid of all the changes I made in the Domain section. And vice versa. I don't know if it's a bug or if I'm doing something wrong.

  8. I have a simple problem that I just cant figure out. No matter what I do, I am rendering the smoke domain as a solid object. Ive looked at all the attributes, and it seems as though the box has no material. If I change it to have a transparent material, it wont render the smoke. Im thinking I must have a render setting wrong, but I just cant find it.

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