How to setup Blender hair collision v2.78

Learn how to setup hair collision in Blender.


20 responses to “How to setup Blender hair collision v2.78”

  1. This is very interesting. I can't reproduce your results. My hair clips right through the head as if there were no collisions on no matter what I do. In fact I remove collisions and get the same results. But I tried an experiment: I duplicate the hair emitter vertexes as a new object applied hair to that object , removed hair from suzanne and assigned it collision and it works. Strange

  2. hey Man i just wanted to thank you, your the only one with satisfying video time, and understandable voice thanks a lot. Most videos are close to an hour long and they talk gibberish and their version is outdated but you helped me a lot thank you.

  3. In this case i would weight paint the top if the hair / head ( since that hair should'nt move anyways ) and Only have the dynamics on the hair that is "loose" in that way it Will have zero penetration and u Will get good movement from the hair

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