Introduction to Dynamic Paint in Blender – Rain

Discover how to create realistic rain using Blender’s new Dynamic Paint feature.

Blender Tutorial:

In this tutorial you will discover:

-How to use Dynamic Paint
-The best particle settings for rain
-How to use bump, mirror and color maps


32 responses to “Introduction to Dynamic Paint in Blender – Rain”

  1. Hi there,

    I am making a project in cycle render, trying to add rain effect on my project.

    I am confused when my raindrops touches the ground, it is straight like a niddle does not bend down towards the floor. Both Rain Particle system & road are on the same Layer but still its not enough.

    Please suggest.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. why don't show tutorial for entire scene like mountain and also animating a flag on that mountain far away it could be helpful and also that stars in to sky , i want to learn that part of how to create scene i know rigging and animating ,

  3. fantastic tutorial and really appreciated all the detail. one question though how would you create a stormy sea with rain falling on it? And if for example a boat was rolling on the waves how would you compensate for the variance, because every ten or so frames the rain would either fall short or go through the surface. could you recreate the same effect you have achieved on the road surface on a rolling deck?

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