Javascript Classes ES2015 tutorial : Object Oriented Programming Series – Part 9

Class keyword introduced in ES6, You can create objects easily using Classes. Internally, It’s prototypal inheritance, using prototype methods and function constructor.

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20 responses to “Javascript Classes ES2015 tutorial : Object Oriented Programming Series – Part 9”

  1. I like your videos. Very clear. FWIW, the class definition is much more clear than the constructor usage. Maybe it's just me, but it looks a lot more like what I would expect. I get that it is syntactic sugar, but it makes it more clear – at least to me.

  2. Nice tutorial. BTW, why do u need to create the constructor inside IIFE? We would have created the fn constructor without IIFE and still if you compare it with the class, it's gonna be the same right?

  3. please provide a separate video tutorial in detail of ECMA? like what is ECMA script? difference in ECMA Script 2015,16,17 and 2018. how we can use it because in my recent interview in HCl, they have confused me in between ECMA scripts. so please also uploads the separate tutorials for this as the separate tutorials you have provided for Object-oriented JS and Prototype JS . Thanks in advance!.

  4. why are classes such a big deal that the EcmaScript standard decided to introduce them as syntactic sugar in JS. Also, may we know your name pls. it feels a bit impersonal to be addressing someone (from whom i'm deriving so much value) without knowing their name. Thanks.

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