JavaScript object creation patterns tutorial – factory , constructor pattern, prototype pattern

We will learn, How to create objects from other objects in javascript.
We will learn following patterns in depth with code examples in jsfiddle.
factory pattern,
constructor pattern,
prototype pattern and dynamic prototype pattern

creating objects in javascript
How to create object
defining objects
javascript has no formal support for classes
javascript is a prototypical language.
Inheritance in javascipt
javascript object.create
javascript object literal
javascript object oriented programming tutorial
objects explained

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35 responses to “JavaScript object creation patterns tutorial – factory , constructor pattern, prototype pattern”

  1. Hi techsith, i found an another way to create multiple methods in prototype from MDN,

    function MyObject(nickname, message) {
    this.nickname = nickname.toString();
    this.message = message.toString();
    (function() {
    this.getName = function() {
    return this.nickname;
    this.getMessage = function() {
    return this.message;

    Using .call() method to make more concise syntax.

  2. Dynamic Prototyping: Whats the advantage of checking for the print-function compared to just assign it to the prototype outside of object-function? For me, the check adds more complexity to it, that is not needed.

  3. Hi techsith,

    I request for a clarification. Thanks to you, I have gained advanced skill set but I really do not know where to apply this. I want to have something created/contributed to a project, that is visible to my potential employers so as to prove my skill. How can I do this online ? Can you please briefly guide us and share your experience as it will be really helpful for most of us. Thank you so much

  4. Are you able to provide examples of when one pattern should/shouldn't be used over another? Each of these patterns can acheive the same end result, but I'm assuming there are reaosns at an engineering level (performance/memory reasons) why these different pattens exist.

  5. Thank you! I was stuck on a textbook on NodeJS because it was using the dynamic prototype pattern and assuming the reader had knowledge of this pattern.
    Is there any way to combine this with the Revealing Module Pattern so as to have restricted access to my parameters but keep my methods out of the individual instantiations and in a prototype?

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