This Javascript tutorial covers functions in Javascript. Functions are a great way to store your code in reusable pieces of Javascript code that can be run at any time.
This is a Free Javascript Course designed for beginners. These Javascript lessons cover the basics of Javascript and programming basics from the very beginning.
In the first 2 lessons, we covered variables, several Javascript types, if else statements & comparison operators. Now, we’ll cover functions.
How I did livereload:
You can also use the editor – they have a great feature called “live preview”
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26 responses to “Javascript Tutorial For Beginners – #3 Javascript Functions Tutorial”
"You need a website. WHy not do it with WIx?"
banjo strumming
that ad gets VERY annoying after a while xD
var answer = prompt("How old are you?");
if (answer < 21){
alert("You can't drink")
alert("You can drink")
Fast forward to 4:18 if you came here to learn about functions.
great teaching, nice voice and etc.
lmao people pls go learn css and html before coming here. on their website u have to learn html and css first to learn java hence this vid assume u guys know about css and html i think lol
can someone show the css for this page?
how do you put you js into your web page
guys your not missing anything he just switched from the console to webpage
what would i use all the formulas for for in the real world? i ve never seen pop ups with my age in them on real sites.
I like how he says, "Do not repeat yourself." Then repeats, "Do not repeat yourself."
I want to know the difference between below two codes, where first code is without return and second is with return code. Please help me.
function name() {
|| or
function name() {
return "Ashutosh";
Dude, you're awesome! You basically managed to explain 97% of the stuff that my teacher failed to explain in 240 minutes, but you did it in 3 short videos ! I can't wait to watch your other tutorials! THANK YOU!
pretty hard to take in the first few times
Similar to python def Function
How did he get his webpage? How to I get to the point he is at, at the start of the video? I have no idea how to get that console he is typing into
I have put <script> alert()</script> just before </body> but still alert pops up before HTML. How to fix it?
OKay…What the hell is an Index Study HTNMl file?! I was so confused with href and other whatthejigits..that I totally missed him mentioning the file. Where do I find? What do I click? How is this helpful? if i can't freakin practise?
Being a beginner at skill rank 0, I am also not following. What the hell is a href? What is the difference between script and body? What the difference text and script? I need a tutorial that assumes I know complete zero about this..which is exactly what is going on.
Thanks for the video!
no sense….I think you fly through it too fast….maybe that's why
Did I miss a lesson between #2 and #1? I felt like I was kicking *$&# after the second lesson. I am so incredibly lost on this, I can't even begin the lesson. Where is the explanation on how to sync the web and sublime? There needs to be a lesson to explain this lesson. How does one get the web and sublime to work together? What is CSS and HTML? Why are we talking about them? I greatly appreciate the tutorials. As a true beginner, this lesson was unusable. The first two were great.
you are an excellent teacher by the way.. thanks.
If you want live preview you can use a program called Brackets. I use it and it's awesome
This was absolutely Brilliant! This is the best tutorial explained on Functions!
Where can i find that index html?