Jewelry photography tutorial, part one

Project in development: Inexpensive way to shoot expensive jewelry
I am working on a series of tutorials (not sure how to name it yet :-), but the idea is to develop a very non-expensive DIY lighting and shooting technique to produce stunning results, so jewelry designers and hobbyists can build and use it.

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31 responses to “Jewelry photography tutorial, part one”

  1. Slow, boring and doesn't show 'inexpensive way to shoot expensive jewellery'. Using a camera with focal plane movements, hmm, that sounds inexpensive. The quality of your video is rubbish too, maybe you need a few lessons yourself. Excuse the rant but am getting fed up with people posting totally useless tutorials.

  2. "Photo" in ancient Greek means LIGHT, "graphic" means PAINT, therefore PHOTOGRAPHY means, PAINTING WITH LIGHT, and this channel is fantastic at emphasising that, thank you for your great tips man ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. This is retarded. Everyone watched this because we want to see the inexpensive setup and you never posted it. Why post only one part? It's been a year. Get your shit together, chip.

  4. Alex, thanks for the excellent video again, just one question, when we do focus stacking, you menitoned we should move camera to cover the focus range, not just change the focus point, why? thanks,

  5. Nope, I am not closing the business. I am growing it to a next level:-) My business is education: e-books, masterclasses, etc.. To be successful I need to share more than anyone in this industry, and I love doing this.
    Working for a clients is secondary, and I never afraid competition, as my pricing is way to high to be in it anyway:-)

  6. I am interested in seeing part two. I don't think Alex is suggesting that jewelry photographers not higher professional photographers but rather that you don't need an enormous budget and expensive gear to get good results. Certainly a beginning jewelry artist may not have a budget to pay a professional but a DIY set of photos might result in clients and thus a budget to pay a pro.

  7. @ynphoto I'me sure that there are different types of clients … I design my jewelry and I make photos by myself … I wish I had funds to hire professional to do that part for me … I make my photos only outside on top of my car trunk ))))
    I have my light box but it's never came up as good as I can make with the natural light ((
    Can't wait to see the second part …

  8. @ViewedVideo ) plenty tutorials on how to use camera on youtube..)) this is just makes my life as a photographer a lot easier …. – your show clients how to shoot, you give them camera, you show them how to use it ) send them bill, relax, play playstation, get paid. Paradise! ))) Well, this is all joke! Seriously speaking-No offense to Alex, he is great photographer, but I feel like with videos like this my photography job becomes useless (((

  9. Alex, are you saying that jewelry designers and other potential clients should photograph their stuff themselves?
    Next time clients asks me to photograph their jewelry, I am going to show your video and I am going to sell them my camera… (

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