masters of photography

overalll of the best photogrophys of the world in the last 100 years. there were more important and big photographers like richard avedon who didnt get in to this video… i might to a nother one.. the video ends with todays young artist who reflects the change of the art in photography from its early days till present.

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32 responses to “masters of photography”

  1. ranirani, I mean that, although it has never been technically easier to take a sharp picture, there is a fuzzy sentimental pictorialism in contemporary photography, and you can see it at end of this video

  2. Well, how's that for an apples-to-oranges comparison? A collection of well-known professional photographers, whose works are displayed carefully and respectfully, pitted against a bunch of amateurs, who clearly consider themselves outside the mainstream (why else post on Deviant Art) and whose photos flick past so quickly you can barely register what's in them. What next? Modern art's garbage because Rembrandt is better than half a second of some kid just out of art school?

  3. great vid, thanks for doing this one…as far as the younger generation's work that is shown here – I look at their photos, and they are also very conceptual, marvelous works, built upon natural talent, an incredible eye for composition, and each photo definitely has something to say, each, as with the earlier photos, commands that you stop at this particular point in time and space, and really look at what is in front of you. excellent work by each and every artist, older and younger

  4. The trouble with photography is that
    `Not everyone gets it`. When i do a shoot say at a celebration or wedding, it`s the candid or the impromptu that works for me, Clients & guests expect formal or classical stuff, it`s what they pay for….The real ( not contrived) pictures are often disliked or ignored, passed by as inferior or just plain rubbish. If i shoot a hundred half will not be suitable for presentation, i try to shoot for myself as well as the client…
    Post more, Thanks…

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