Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – IK Arm

SU 2011 – MA391 — A –Character Setup: J.B

Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – IK Leg

Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – IK Back spline

Let me know if you have any questions just post those babies in the comments below. Or if you see me around school feel free to ask me questions then.

If you were having trouble I hope this helps you out! I will probably go through before midterm and build a complete rig depending on how much time I have available to do so. Though I will probably be very brief since I have to shoot these vids in one straight shot and get it right the first time. And of course things always work out as planned don’t they?

By Luke
Handy hotKeys for Maya

d = move center pivot (Insertkey also works the same way)
d+v = vert snap
d+c = curve snap
d+x = Grid snap
Ctrl+g = new null group
shift+leftClick = add to selection
q = select to (and deselect any tools in use)
p = parent
shift+p = unparent


18 responses to “Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – IK Arm”

  1. when you are creating constraints you need a parent and a child. so you need to select your parent object, then shift select your child. As for the error the target is your child object. So if you didn't have one selected it would give you that error.

  2. As for binding. I can head you in the right direction. I will assume you already have a root joint and your arm joints for this. Go the the animation pulldown click on the Skin/bindSkin/smoothBind Options(box) Now following the descending options. Selected Joints, Closest Distance, Weight Blended, Interactive, checked, 5, checked, 4, checked, checked. Now Select your joints that you want to influence the mesh. Select your mesh and click "Bind Skin." Now start weight painting! Hope this helps.

  3. Binding the skin is a whole other phase of the rigging pipeline and I didn't want to overload the viewer. Thus I didn't throw out additional information outside of the current phase. The video was lengthy but it was necessary to give the viewers the time to absorb the information. I reviewed Many tuts before making mine and most move far to fast for people who are learning and are unfamiliar with the interface and tools. This tut is for beginners albeit at the deep end of the pool.

  4. Ya hah sorry about that. I clicked on the IK effector and held "d" to allow me to alter the effectors pivot point and then I vertex snapped it to the joint I wanted by holding both d and v and middle mousing over the joint. Hope that help =)

  5. @alanhung317 Ya I'd be more than happy to help. Though I need a little more to go on. This setup should work fine for moving the arm around in any direction. The arm will follow the hand anywhere. Are you wanting to move the arm by its self or are you trying to get it to move with a body?

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