How to rig a 3D character in Autodesk Maya 2016 using the built in Human IK System.
How to rig a 3D character in Autodesk Maya 2016 using the built in Human IK System.
9 responses to “Maya 2016 Rigging Tutorial”
@ Craig – Regarding extra joints … yes it's possible. I'll create a video walking you through the process & upload shortly to my site @
Hi guys and thanks for the feedback
Is it possible to make things like tails and reverse legs like a dogs leg or t-rex with that skeletal template?
Thank you very much!!!! you managed to explain the whole process in less than 10 mins and i got it!
last time I tried using the human ik, I followed a digital tutors tutorial it was a waste of a good hour and a half 
Hi, very helpful, thanks! Question, under your skeleton Character Controls, your attributes like Character Scale have value sliders. Is that something you have turned on in preferences? I don't see a place to do that. Thanks.
Thank you soo much this helped me a lot more than any other rigging tutorial. I spent days trying to manually rig my model and this completely rigged it in less than ten minutes. You are a god
This one actually worked for me unlike the James Taylor one.
Maya always makes me cry while painting skin weights….
Thank you for your tutorial. Very simple and easy to follow. From Belgium