Maya to Mudbox and back to Maya: Basic tutorial

A very simple first tutorial where we make a coin in Maya then export it to Mudbox, give it some detail and export a normal map. We then bring it back to Maya and give it a quick render in Mental ray.


33 responses to “Maya to Mudbox and back to Maya: Basic tutorial”

  1. thank you, you told everything complex and connected to the goal. Someone asked about the maps. Think its just when you want to edit it on photoshop to create a diffusemap and use the checker to scale the map correctly to paint or sculp it in mudbox uniformly?

  2. I keep following these steps but I must be doing something wrong, When  create a tiff it makes 4 different views instead of one, I even checked create one map for all targets and it still separates the mesh into 4 the top, left, right and bottom any one know how to solve this?

  3. Yeah, what Tang Jessica  said. I dont understand why the pattern is getting to the other side of the coin. I tried to freeze one side but same thing happens, Ate the edge it gets to the other side. Any suggestion?

  4. Great tutorial.  Some nice techniques shown here.  I really appreciate how you show the PROPER way to do it.  No poly stretching (or at least very minimal) and a good workflow.  Kudos pal!  Beginners need this stuff.

  5. That was not very basic but I loved all the detail and it does help to see how you ended up with such a gorgeous coin but I still barely understand what to do after watching…LOL.  It will take me hours to follow this one.  Thank you however because it is a beautiful end product!

  6. PLEASE HELP! I don't understand why the pattern appeared at the bottom side while I was sculpting the top of my coin ?! The size of sculpt tool was 0.5 and the strength was 0.02. I've tried to adjust these two values but it didn't solve this problem…Please Help!!! THX!!

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