Maya To Unity Tutorial: How to Import Autodesk Maya Models Into the Unity Game Engine.

In this tutorial, we utilize free textured 3D models from the internet and load them into Maya. We then show you how to import those directly into the Unity game engine.


32 responses to “Maya To Unity Tutorial: How to Import Autodesk Maya Models Into the Unity Game Engine.”

  1. Hi animator friends, i have an issue ; iam not able to play the facial blendshape animation (which is with base character.fbx. ie mesh and bones with facial animtn in bind pose) ) and body animation (which is bodyanimation.fbx. ie bones with body animation without mesh) in unity. seems two different 'Take001' cannot be attached and played at the same time. plz guide me

  2. Hey Bros, do you have any tips for dealing with right(Maya) to left(Unity) handed coordinate system conversion? For example, if you position an object at 10,0,10 in maya and export, it will be positioned at -10,0,10 in unity.

  3. Hi, thanks for the great videos. I see a lot of tuts for creating assets to be used for UDK on YT. I am learning Unity as that is what my employer has. And I am wondering how does it matter if I am using Mudbox and Maya for Unity or Unreal? I would really appreciate a answer.

  4. Hello!
    I`am sorry – i not very speak to English
    Извините – но я не очень хорошо говорю по английски
    But i can understand English. And i can translate You tutorial to Russian language.
    Но я понимаю Английский. И я могу перевести Ваши уроки на Русский.
    P.S. Thank you for the tutorial`s…
    Спасибо за Уроки…
    I`am sorry – for my bed English = )
    Извините за мой плохой Английский = )

  5. Hello, ahm, Brother Daniel. Just wanted to drop my experience: I followed the tutorial and I stumbled into a problem, which was my model landed there without a texture. I googled and instantly found out that this problem seems to happen to a lot of people. I had to manually drag-and-drop my texture file. Since it was only a simple box, it worked fine; but for a complex character, I don't know how this would work out.

  6. Sadly it didn't work 🙁 here's what I tried. Succeeded in following and navigating the "path" from Maya and saving as the simple model of a lowpoly treasure box into my assets>maya meshes folder. the only thing I could see was an Icon that looked like a blank sheet of paper. :,( I clicked on this to drag in into the main window…Nothing happened. What is wrong here. I really want this to work. Help if ya can. thanks. friend.

  7. Great Tutorial! If this works I will be a loyal fan. I will go do it now and get back to you. you see I'm an older animator. from back in the day of Gumby and Speed racer, I'm trying to reinvent myself and keep learning. keep up the good work remember clear teaching is good teaching. 5 stars and 2 thumbs up 🙂

  8. O.K i heard that u r supposed to have proper topology which means all squares right for good animation, then i import my project to unity and all of a sudden it looks the exact same as it was before but it is made up entirely of triangles is this bad?

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