Mirror Tutorial | Blender | Fast


A very quick guide to using the mirror modifier


28 responses to “Mirror Tutorial | Blender | Fast”

  1. How do i fox this one?! I used a mirror modifier, and then, the right side of my model is smooth BUT the mirrored side has shard edges and it looks bricky and not smooth at all but the right side is! However the mirrored side ISN'T smooth!! HELPPP

  2. Hello, I am having a couple of issues here.
    1-shift W does actually a Bend Angle for me, and not a mirroring.
    2-after applying a mirror modifier to the half of my mesh (after having wiped half of the vertexes on the other side), the mirrored object does not apply directly opposite the current selection but randomly places itself around my 3d view port on various axis (I tried to solve this by selecting various axis or ctrl+A to rotate the item to the plane but nothing).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

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