Modeling Car Rims in Blender

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See more about “Complete Vehicle Production in Blender” here:

This tutorial is a free chapter from my training course “Complete Vehicle Production in Blender”. In this tutorial we’ll be modeling the rim for a Jeep Wrangler. You’ll learn hard surface modeling techniques, the importance of a systematic approach for objects with symmetry, using snapping tools and “guide meshes” for curved surfaces, and you’ll end up with an accurate result with perfect topology.

Music for the trailer is by Kevin MacLeod ( and shared under Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution


41 responses to “Modeling Car Rims in Blender”

  1. Your Skills are Great, Plz tell me what are the things that i have to kept in mind before start modeling anything, and also tell me from where did you learn all these things and how long did it take to you to be with this immense skills

  2. @blengine 0:56 9:28 13:50 How is it your tool shelf reverts to the default 32 vertices automagically? If I add a circle, change it's vertcount to 50 and then later add another one, it will be on 50 verts as well, unless i change it manually. Same goes for every other such tool, like inset faces, remove doubles, etc

    How can I change that behavior?

  3. Hi, I'm no expert in Blender, but couldn't you use the 'trace bitmap' function in Inkscape (free) to generate a set of editable Bezier curves from the blueprint, then export this as a standard .svg file which can be imported into Blender?

  4. Thank you for this one. I'm pretty pleased about the result.
    (Result can be seen on my deviantART page.)
    As a challenge, I'm now working on an animation (other software) to see if you can animate,
    not just the rotation, but the sort of 'bubble' there always seems to be because of the weight of the vehicle.

  5. I have to say that the tutorial series is one of the best I have come across and worth every penny , I learn't more in 48 hrs than I have in the 6 months I have been dabbleing with Blender. well done 🙂
    One issue that will continue to crop up though is a -0.006 offset that is needed to be added to the front and rear views without that offset mirroring is a disaster. A minor fix but anyone buying the course should be made aware of before starting to work on the model they should place a cube around the images this shows how much offset may be needed.

  6. im bad in english and i don't understand your pronunciation about the key to type before the S to scale the vertices @3,27 the coma key ? the command key ? the ok micky ? how do you switch between this two kind of scaling ? thx

  7. I am a PC user and I don`t how can you scale toward to between 3D cursor and Bounding box center ,use what hotkey to change scale pivot center mode?It`s a Great tutorial and I want to buy it,but is it suitable for the PC user?

  8. Please can anyone help me?
    I appreciate every video you guys make though some are not free and I can't afford :(. Every video like these are gold. You guys deserve money.

    is there any tutorial I can find how to make this Ninja's goggles animation simulating?

    like when he moves, the goggles moves –> sorry for my english, I can't express this, I can't find the right words. Please I appreicate a reply, I've been looking all over the Internet and I can't find answers 🙁

    I want to make a character with gun in his pocket but the gun also moves independently not parented to his thigh.

  9. Looks awesome!
    One question: why did you choose to "manually" mirror and rotate instead of using the mirror / array modifier with a 72° rotated empty object? Wouldn't that make it easier to edit the model later if you spot any errors or want to change anything?

  10. Superb tutorial, definitely a series I'll be purchasing 🙂
    Even after 8+ years in blender I learnt 3 bee things in this tutorial that I never knew existed, can't wait to see what I learn from the full series 🙂

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