MODELLING, RIGGING & ANIMATING a Tentacle in Blender | Tutorial

In this tutorial I will take you through the process of MODELLING, RIGGING and ANIMATING a tentacle in Blender!

2:10 Modelling the Tentacle
14:59 Using the Subdivision Surface Modifier
15:24 Sculpting Organic Tentacle Details
18:32 Rigging the Tentacle
23:44 Forward vs Inverse Kinematics
26:26 Smoothing out the Spine Movement (Bone Subdivision)
28:45 Using F-Curve Modifiers

Be sure to watch my BEGINNER Blender series before doing this tutorial:

Check out Inventimark Blender Tentacle Tutorial

First, we will look at modelling the tentacle using Bezier Curves and the Bevel options. We will taper the bevelled curve using a Taper Curve and then convert it to a polygonal mesh.

Then we will add some organic details to the tentacle using the Subdivision Surface modifier and the Sculpting tools in Blender.

Next, we will add an armature, a rig to our tentacle. Once we bind the mesh to the rig, we can move our tentacle by moving the bones of our rig. I will show you the difference between Forward and Inverse Kinemetics and set up an Inverse Kimemetics constraint.

Finally, we will look at animating the tentacle with a simple Empty target for our tentacle to reach for. Rather than using manual keyframes though, we will add some animations using F-Curve modifiers in the Graph editor.

All comments and feedback welcome 🙂

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MY GEAR – dstudio



Video & Music – Copyright © 2018 Surfaced Studio


39 responses to “MODELLING, RIGGING & ANIMATING a Tentacle in Blender | Tutorial”

  1. Tobias, teach us everything! Expand how the world communicates! Be part of what we, the NEW internet Community envision – a world where GOOD conquers all. A world where we feel safe.

    Tobias should be turned to in times of peril.

    Tobias. Teach us! We want to learn, and you are a great GREAT teacher, and educator, and a man who knows his future! The HWIC bows down in respect to you!

    Let's do good!


    The HWIC

  2. Tobias! Hello! Your English is still better than most of my countrymen.

    The time has come for you to Evolve.

    I am announcing to the world that Tobias and Walter are both founders in the new Iteration, Evolution, Revolution of the Internet. Tobias and Walter are ROYALTY! To be questioned by NOONE! To cross Tobias or Walter is to cross me, The HWIC!

    Tobias is a gift to us all, and you should take his classes at UDEMY.COM

  3. Oh snap, I missed this and just watched it yesterday and based on this I'm making now an animation 😀
    I made the tentacles a little bit different but the rig is pretty cool for this 🙂 Thanks man

  4. Really love your work.

    Can you make a tutorial on compositing a green screen footage ( which have a camera movement therefore traking involved) of a moving subject ( actor walking). And how to deal with the shadow of the subject???

    If u have already covered this part or want to suggest a video please give me a link.


  5. Awesome! Thanks for another blender tutorial, love these!

    I wonder if you'd be interested in doing a ragdoll tutorial? Was looking those up on youtube but there weren't that many of them and they were pretty long and complicated and I want to believe that there's an easier way to do them. But it's just an idea that could be fun

  6. Another couple of quick tips (for the armature). You can move the tip of the bone (select it first) by using Selection to Cursor after having moved the cursor to the tip of the tentacle. THEN, after selecting the whole bone, you can subdivide it.

  7. I noticed at the end while the tentacle was waggling about that there appeared to be some fairly hard seams between bone segments. Is this just an artifact of the view you're in, or does it translate to the rendered images? Is there a ready way to smooth out those apparent creases short of adding more segments?

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