MySQL Tutorial 30 – How to Set Character Sets and Collations

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16 responses to “MySQL Tutorial 30 – How to Set Character Sets and Collations”

  1. I can't change sql connection collation to t8-general-ci it changed to ut8mb4-general-ci instead but i can changed to the other collations though my Server charset set to UTF-8 Unicode (utf8) plzzz help

  2. Hi Caleb, Thanks for this video, I have a question thought, I'm trying to display Chinese characters in my MySQL table but it keeps showing me weird characters or question marks, even though I've been setting everything on gbk, please help me ! Thanks

  3. Hellow bro.. i have a problem in importing a csv file with a chinese letters on it. but after the importaiton in mysql is completed it does not display the chinese characters normally '???' but if i input the chinese characters inside the mysql it can display normally. hope you can suggest something… thanks..

  4. fyi, the tables id should be named id instead of tablename_id . I used to do this until i was told by many that its bad practice and i always used to think it means i'm organizing, But i started to realize what everyone was saying, when i had long table names and it was making my queries really long.

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