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Photo based modeling – Cinema 4D Tutorial
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10 responses to “Photo based modeling – Cinema 4D Tutorial”
👌👌god man thenks
is it possible to build up a city from a drone photo and then use the plain or shader effector to "rebuild" the city from above?
Wow! Your tutorials are mind blowing. I enjoyed this tut and your speed is excellent. Thanks for sharing
Fantastic – thank you!
Awesome tutorial. Thanks man! Now I can model some buildings in my town
Thanks man. really interesting tutorial. great work! Thanks for sharing all these tips !!!
One of the best tut. Keep the good work!
best tutorial ever. thanks dear
Have to compliment your method, I've been trying C4D on an off for a few months now (it's similar to SolidWorks but I prefer solids modeling since I'm so used to numeric input and the UI in Solidworks) and found it really frustrating while following others' tutorials. Your method is really helpful for me in particular, I didn't understand some of the other workflows I'd seen. Thank you! I do have a quick, small nitpicky question. Do you know if it's possible to switch the Z and Y axis within C4D, so that Z is a right-hand axis? Switching from surface to solids modeling always messes me up because the Z and Y axes are switched in surface modeling.