Photography tutorials for beginners in Hindi | Learn photography in Hindi

Introduction to – photography basics tutorials in Hindi video series which I will be making soon. From concepts to choosing the equipments – all topics shall be covered.

DSLR basics, mirrorless and dslr differences, ISO, shutter speed, Aperture, rule of thirds, leading lines, focus points, landscape , portrait, travel wildlife and many more topics will be discussed..!


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18 responses to “Photography tutorials for beginners in Hindi | Learn photography in Hindi”

  1. Heloo sir. Thank you for your guidence it's very much helpful but i want to know one thing that, If You Just Bought Your Camera And You Are Waiting For The Next Day To Go Out And Shoot, Then How And What Should We Do To Begin??
    I hope this question is legal and will not waste your time!!

  2. Thank you so much sir. This channel is one point solution for my every query. You are my Dronacharya. Being a banker it is not possible for me to learn photography by attending classes. Your videos are helping me a lot and this series will certainly give confidence to my photography. You are doing a great job sir.

  3. वीडियो बिल्कुल अच्छा लगा इसमें कोई शक ही नहीं है क्योंकि मैंने काफी चैनल सब्सक्राइब कर रखे हैं जैसे Adorama, Manish Saxena photography, Raja Awasthi, The photography blogger, almost social, Ferrari monk, gmax studio, Pierre t Lambert आदि….लेकिन आपके वीडियो में जो बात है वो एकदम हटकर है, यूनिक है, बेहतर भी है।

    और आपका ये कैटेगरी वाला तरीका बहोत बेहतरीन है। उम्मीद है कि आने वाले वीडियो में सीरीज बाई सीरीज व्यूअर्स को एक अनोखी चीज सीखने को मिलेगी।

    So as always best of luck brother.

    May I know your name plz?

  4. Thank you bro for this concepts. Really Photography is hobby and I'm learning how to take photos. And learned some things that I must from your previous videos.and I'm waiting for your next video bro.

    I'm Shivaraj I subscribed your channel when your subscribers below 3k.

  5. Sir this one is great idea n m sure this is gonna help alot to bigginer photographers but can u make few such videos bout how to do business as being intermediate photographer lots of people having problem wid handling clients n charges will you plz make video or series which will give idea bout it??

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