Photoshop CS6 Tutorial

A ROUGH spin around some of the new features introduced in Adobe Photoshop’s CS6 beta including:
The new content aware move tool
The new content aware patch tool settings
The not so new puppet warp tool

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36 responses to “Photoshop CS6 Tutorial”

  1. How did you learn Photoshop so well like this? I really love graphic design and want to learn more and eventually get paid to do it, but I have ADHD and it's somewhat hard to stay still and focus for long periods of time and it's really frustrating.. 🙁

  2. Try clicking and holding the spot heal tool button. There's one tool that has a lasso area to the upper left of the band-aid. That is the "Spot Healing Brush." The brush you currently have selected is the one without the lasso area, called the "Healing Brush"

  3. From what I can deduce, it looks like if you go into the

    {Photoshop -> Preferences -> Interface} menu…

    …you can change the color of the grey that is in the background, but I could not find a way to make the background transparent. Sorry!

  4. I like the way you teach. And wow what you can do in photoshop these days. I had Photoshop 5.0 and recently elements 9. I missed the pen tool and I just got back into my photography so I sent for CS6.

  5. a quick question: in CS5 PS the background of photoshop is transparent so that I could always look at/ find images on my desktop. I noticed that CS6 PS default the background to a non transparency solid color. is there a way to change it back to transparent?

  6. GREAT TUTORIAL! I never know how to do the puppet wrap tool… btw I know how photoshop requires a lot of selection being copy and pasting, and I would suggest you download an app called ClipMenu, it memorized the last 20 things you have copied on your mac and it WORKS WITH PHOTOSHOP selections or images or whatsoever.

  7. Right Click on the Spot Healing Brush and it should bring up all the four options, including the Patch Tool and Content Aware Move Tool. Also, you can use keyboard shortcut to activate any of the above options: Shift + J (Mac only)

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