A simple PHP cURL tutorial and example. Learn how to use curl_init, curl_setopt, and curl_execute. Also learn how to POST data to a remote URL using cURL.
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PHP cURL Tutorial and Example

A simple PHP cURL tutorial and example. Learn how to use curl_init, curl_setopt, and curl_execute. Also learn how to POST data to a remote URL using cURL.
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22 responses to “PHP cURL Tutorial and Example”
Wow, I thought cURL was the hardest thing in the world but now I can use it easily… Easy peasy! Ty for taking my PHP skills further.
Hi I know that this is an old video and I don't expect a response, but I'm running a Win10 Desktop and in my php.ini I have enabled the cURL extension, but when I do curl_init(); I get and error saying undefined function. Any suggestions to get cURL working?
worst tutorial ever
Liked your video but there's actually no link that I've found which has the source codes you were using to get started easily. If you're just marketing to enroll then it just hurtful for inexperienced programmers.
Thank you!
Nice Tutorial man.
Helpful tutorial. Is there a link for this lessons code example?
so in the end it really wasnt as scary as i thought
Hi, I am trying to make users log in using an API
I am using curl method to send username and password to the API
here it is:
// create curl resource
$ch = curl_init();
// set url
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://some_api.aspx?username=" . $_POST['username'] . "&password=" . $_POST['password']);
//return the transfer as a string
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// $output contains the output string
$output = curl_exec($ch);
// close curl resource to free up system resources
I am still unable to make the user login
I always get a failure error message (from the API) anything wrong with the code ?
That actually cleared up a lot of things. Thanks
Great video John and nice channel, you're my role model. I'm trying to get my channel off the ground by focusing on PHP for now, just uploaded a video on cURL too.
Congrats on your sub count, keep up the great job!
why i use curl?
so interesting
Hello John , can you please tell me how to add " Refer and earn" feature in a website using php mysql ?
hello,awesome video
hello. john please make a video for session and cookie
wonderful vider
btw,looking forward you make a video php using guzzlehttp
nice tutorial. thank for create this video. appreciate
Hello …. I have recently came across the word "nginex" . So please tell me Which is better Apache or ngineX ?? And one request is that if possible please make a video on how to reduce load time or increase performance of a webapp.
can you please please please make a tutorial where you do file handeling like uploading images and restrict images extensions and give them a link to download again etc please i would love that
cool tutorial. I love it