PHP Programming Language – Full Course

Learn the PHP programming language in this full course / tutorial. The course is designed for new programmers, and will introduce common programming topics …

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45 responses to “PHP Programming Language – Full Course”

  1. I wish you had use vscode! Brackets is giving me trouble w/ the php functions and I might have to switch. Atom can not be a good choice, can it? Let me watch the complete section.

  2. ON building a calculator part I get this error..

    <form action="phptutorials.php" method="get">

    <input type="number" name="num1"><br>

    <input type="number" name="num2"><br>

    <input type="submit"><br><br>


    Answer is:
    <?php echo $_GET["num1"] + $_GET["num2"]?>

    — When I refresh my page it says Undefined index: num1 & num2..

  3. The course was good, but I think most of the examples could have be done using javascript. Isn't PHP mainly used in order to connect to a database ? I guess PHP could be used instead of javascript, but I am not sure why anyone would want to learn PHP instead of javascript.

  4. Just a quick question. When my page loads up it automatically echoes a Notice onto the html. I didn't see that happen with yours.
    Notice: Undefined index: celebrity in C:Usersdaviscodephpphp-practicemad-lib.php on line 19
    I'm assuming it is because the php doesn't have any data to fill out the form and sends the notice. How do I stop it fro doing that? While observing yours I didn't see that happen.
    Thank you in advance! 😀

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