Hey gang, in this PHP tutorial I’ll explain how to redirect a user to another page after checking there are no errors in our form submission.
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PHP Tutorial (& MySQL) #22 – Checking for Errors & Redirecting

Hey gang, in this PHP tutorial I’ll explain how to redirect a user to another page after checking there are no errors in our form submission.
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11 responses to “PHP Tutorial (& MySQL) #22 – Checking for Errors & Redirecting”
Upload it by 2 or 3 at a time
Can you show how to do load more button or pagination ?
Great Series. Continue!!!!
How many video left?
great job dude… carry on…. loved it….
good tutorial, however, I would type if(! array_filter($errors)) { … then you do not have to have empty condition, which helps processing, maintenance of the code and readability. This is of course subjective to an individual, hence this is not a critique but just a little suggestion
I can't believe you upload daily!! Thanks for such great content!
I strongly suggest you to start a series using a Framework like (symfony Or laravel) just after finishing this one these are popular , do your best to do this dude thank you so much for your efforts
Thanks shaun! , PHP looks simple, thanks to you!, don't stop Ninja!, Don't!
Thanks again you are awesome
Amazing tutorial continues! Thanks.
i cant wait to see oop series