Hey gang, in this PHP tutorial we’ll create our first PHP file and run it on our local server. —————————————- Course Links: + Course files…
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PHP Tutorial (& MySQL) #3 – Your First PHP File

Hey gang, in this PHP tutorial we’ll create our first PHP file and run it on our local server. —————————————- Course Links: + Course files…
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21 responses to “PHP Tutorial (& MySQL) #3 – Your First PHP File”
I downloaded XAMMP for Mac OS. Very easy install. But, there is no XAMMP folder and no htdocs folder. Right click on XAMPP.app gets me all the contents but nothing there like that and no index file either. I get the opening page in my browser but it has an IP address then /dashboard/
Do I ignore all the Windoze stuff and just make a working folder as you would for any web site or am I missing something?
You are the real TRUE NINJA!!! Would you be able to do a course on Magento Development too, maybe sometime in the future?
Dude, you are one of the best teachers I've come across.
Your bg looks cool. What's its name?
I almost can't believe this, you now have a PHP tutorial. Thanks a lot, I hope you do a project with PHP and mysqli at the end of this series
Saw your post on Instagram about this series. Been waiting. Thanks a bunch, Ninja!
Shaun very nice Tutorial, so i will learn php language from you properly in this series, thank you Shaun! I am very happy
Please build a fully functional cms in the end. Use some popular free bootstrap admin panel template…and connect it with a simple static website with php. Please please do this
This is a joke, right? Php and MySQL on Windows? Hahahhha
PHP is much faster with brackets text editor because of live view,, no need to refresh page in the browser,, it renders automatically whn you save a php file..
Do more Django plzzzzz
Thank you for the tuts, currently studying php!
Just a question, why is there no ‘index.php’ shown after the “localhost/tuts/“ in the address bar. Mine has, and i am curious.
Do a REST API + Authentication with PHP & mySQL
Theme sublime name
why the f… php
when you can create more about django and node
You should create a serie called ninja tips.
I'll watching all this videos.
I am so happy for this. It's finna be LIT!!
Hahaha. First time seeing you making a tutorial using PHP

woooowwww php
thanks Man