Sculpting Basics in Blender 3D

A beginner tutorial for anyone interested in learning how to start sculpting in Blender. To sculpt a simple character, check out my next tutorial here:


30 responses to “Sculpting Basics in Blender 3D”

  1. This is not how you want to sculpt in Blender if you're doing form creation. Use Dynamic Topology instead.
    You can add and subtract mesh on the fly and build your shape without distorting it.
    Then only after that do you use this modifier 'sculpt' method in the video for a surface detail pass.

  2. The first half was about setting up your personal preferences, and though there should be tutorials dedicated to that, they should be done by someone exposed to more development applications who will try to explain beyond their own biases. The second half described little and revealed nothing that someone experimenting on their own couldn't figure out.

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