Just our thoughts on going to college if you’re interested in starting your own photography business. These are our opinions based on our own personal experiences, we are not experts! At the end of the day, it’s your own decision, follow what’s best for what you want to do!
Sorry for the dark film! We are in super busy season right now so had to squeeze filming into the night & don’t have the right lights for it we also had to keep our voices down as to not wake Ali’s little ones!
Okay! So, with all that was said, YES it’s definitely true that you can teach yourself how to become a professional photographer without needing school training or a certificate saying “you’re a professional photographer,” but there’s also nothing wrong with studying or majoring in photography either, so if you want to do that, go for it! It’s also possible that you can teach yourself a lot about business without having a degree in business as well.
Here are some business books that we think are worth looking into for photography business owners:
Selling the Invisible by Harry Beckwith: http://www.amazon.com/Selling-Invisible-Field-Modern-Marketing/dp/0446672319
The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber: http://www.amazon.com/E-Myth-Revisited-Small-Businesses-About/dp/0887307280/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1384446334&sr=1-1&keywords=the+e+myth
The Fast Track Photographer by Dane Sanders: http://www.amazon.com/Fast-Track-Photographer-Revised-Expanded/dp/081740001X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1384446384&sr=1-1&keywords=the+fast+track+photographer
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24 responses to “Should you go to College for Photography”
Anybody know what happened to these two?? I cant find their website and it appears they haven't put a video on here in 3 years??
Now that photography is online everywhere you are probably correct its not necessary to go to school for it… Before the internet was swarming with photographers it really helped to learn the craft in school, just my opinion….
Thanks you guys. :]
You two need to take at least one class in photography, since you don't even know what the numbers on the lens mean.
What if you're majoring in Graphic Design with a concentration in Print Design and you want to get into Photography after you graduate? Is it necessary to get into Photography that way? When I first started college, I wasn't completely sure what part of the arts to get into and then they came out with 3 separate concentrations (Print Design, Illustration and Website Design). I inevitably chose Print Design because I'm not very good when it comes to drawing or doing illustrations and I don't really know how good I would be if I had to hand code an advanced website from scratch for a company. Notice how I didn't mention Photography as a concentration, that's because they don't have one so what I have to do in order to enhance my skills is take both of the classes that they have for it and learn on my own by looking at instructional videos and experimenting. In the end, that's usually how you learn or as you brought it out, "something you can teach yourself". I didn't fully decide what I wanted to do until my 5th semester (I started in the fall of 2012) and that was Photography. I probably should have chosen that when I started taking pictures with my first point and shoot camera in 9th grade or decided to get into Business so that I can learn the ins and outs of properly owning a business but I was so obsessed with wanting to be a lawyer and majoring in Criminal Justice (before that I wanted to do Video Game Design) that those thoughts never occurred to me. I guess at the end of it all Graphic Design is a good starting point for someone who wants to get into Photography since you get to see where your photos can end up after you shoot them and how to get creative in the editing process of your photos and how to put together brochures, magazines, books, ePubs and other publications that feature what you shot. What would your take be on all of this?
Great information.
STEM fields are worth incurring massive debt. Liberal arts degrees will get you a job a Starbucks. History/literature you can learn everything you need to know with a library card…or access to the internet.
I love your videos please keep making them
bad bad audio.
Thank you girls, very cool videos! Keep it up!
I took photography classes in high school and Jr. College for fun. I totally agree that you don't need to go to college to be a photographer. You either learn from a pro OTJ training or watch youtube videos and read a few books and go out and practice shooting a lot of pictures.
Roger that!! I love you guys!!!!
Can you share how you started your business, how you got so many clients and it took off?
Hey ladies I'm gonna shoot a kids birthday party I have a d3100 and a 35 and a 85mm lens witch is better and do u have any tips? And one more question how much do you charge for things like this… This will be my 1st job… Thx you in advance
Talent only takes you so far. If you do not have the technical know how your business will fail. I went to school specifically for photography, but have been in the industry for 15 years now. Even something easy as a workshop or a few classes is better than nothing. It will give you the chance to learn more about what you want to do. I also think new photogs absolutely need to take classes on business management to help their business. I see a lot of times new photogs that do not make it after two years due to them not managing their business correctly. Things like knowing your overhead really do help in determining how much you NEED to charge in order to maintain your business and make a profit for yourself.
I have cannon 70D but I cannot use my manual and what can you say about that camera is it good one or no!!?.. Plz give me a guide how to use it..I really love to do photography too.. Thanks love u girls
I ALWAYS thank God for YOUTUBE UNIVERSITY …wwhhhoooooooopppp…lol this is awesome
How do I photography a wedding reception and wedding ceremony?
Great video topic and I love your honesty
Can you make a video on how you take natural pictures indoors and outdoors? Is it worth buying all of the photography equipment if you can take great pictures by using natural light?
You guys always answer my questions perfectly! Thank you so much for what you do! I live in the same area as you and know a few of the same friends and hope to get to meet you one day. It would be like meeting a famous person for me hah.
I am new in photography and with several resources available online, it is much easier to learn many of the technical aspects of photography. I've been learning greatly with photography within a short period of time. I sometimes think whether it is necessary to attend a university for this, but this video confirms my thought and it is not. I completed my degree in business administration. It is true, learning business can be applied to any industry we decide to enter, including photography. It is great to acquire for anyone that wants to open a business in photography. Great job to you both.
I couldn't agree more. There are photogs that have a degree in photography, but still have trouble composing a picture. I've recently started to pursue photography as a small side business and I love it. I stalk youtube, blogs, books, etc. Btw, Ali – double your student loan payment and that is what I'm dealing with. YIKES! A little extra money from photography could really help pay that down! I enjoy your videos, follow you on FB and your blog. Keep up the great work…and please please post more behind the scenes videos.
b4 for i play this video here are my thoughts.. NO disrespect to anybody who's going to school for photography or thinking about going to school for photography.. or who has been to school for photography.. i been doing photography seriously for a lil over a year with no school no class nothing.. but videos like "the photo sisters" thank y'all lol and lots of research on the internet i have learn so much from doing this+so much more..don't get me wrong.. i have thought about going to school for photos tell i found out most schools just want to talk about the history of photography and film..hell i can find out all about that on wikipedia for free lol and its a lot to go to school anyways..and there not going to teach you sports photos wedding and so on..and now i do photos and videos as my many job..but at the end of the day it does look good on paper saying you did go to college for photography cant lie there..if you want to work taking photos of crime scenes for the police or something big like that then school well help out a lot..cuz its on paper but with the internet you can learn alot there are lots of news places closing down or getting rid of there photographers really cuz of the internet.. with ipads & tablets'.. you can also call your local photographer and ask about classes for hands on help with lil stuff nothing like hands on ..i thinks its really what your comfortable with doing.. cuz what might be right for me..may not be right for you.. -Cory M