Shri Krishna 3D paint and Mukut modeling tutorial autodesk maya hindi & urdu part 80

My dear friends
Indradhanush Technical Study welcomes you from the heart

Friends, in today’s video, we will learn Complete inshri krishna modeling and texturing in simple language.
I will closely teach all the options in the word class in simple language

Friends, you will get all the classes given below on this channel
1. Microsoft office word
2. Microsoft office excel –
3. basic computer course
4. logo designing
5. Photoshop
6. graphic designing class
7. multimedia
8. audio editing
9. video editing
10. computer advances
11. private job information
12. business idea
13. office staff computer course
14. ms word, ms excel and all office software learning
15. computer software
16. all smartphone technical video

आपके Likes और Comments हमें Motivate करते हैं अच्छी और powerfull विडियो बनाने के लिए। इसलिए आप से मेरा निवेदन है वीडियो को Like जरूर करे हमारे वीडियो आपको कैसा लगता है कमेंट में जरूर लिखे । अगर आपका कोई सुघाव है तो वो भी आप मुघे कमेंट में जरूर लिखो…

इन्द्रधनुष टेक्निकल स्टडी के दुआरा publish की हुई playlist इस प्रकार हैं
1. Microsoft office 2007
2. art and designing
3. audio editing
4. basic computer course in hindi
5. adobe photoshop
6. short hindi film
7. computer software
8. best course for job find
9. mobile world
10 business idea


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