Superimpose 3D Objects on a Video – Blender 3D – Linux

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21 responses to “Superimpose 3D Objects on a Video – Blender 3D – Linux”

  1. hy nice video but can you help me plz…i made an animation…and i want it to put it in a real problem now is that i must scale and rotate the object with the animation.but this is not possible because then the animation is bad…is it possible that blender automatic sets the keyframes to the right frame? i have a object with 4 keyframes..but now i must rotate it that it fits to the video…but when i do it the animation is very bad…because the keyframes dont sync…..plz help me..thx

  2. hello, im new to blender and i see this is an old clip, im praying you can help, it doesnt matter what tuturial i try to follow nothing works,,, as in trying to get the 3d object onto my clip,,,,,i can follow your above clip to frame 1.47 and bascially just like you i add the movie, exactly the same way…it doesnt show, and yet in the properties it says its there….so using my mouse looking arround the screen camera view or not, its not there, i look inside the box and there it is, but i have to bring it to the front to see it………… please please reply… my version is latest…. 2.78

  3. in Version 2.78, I get a background image but not the background movie clip. the background clip is visible on numpad key 7, the movie on no one, but the movie clip is visible in the video sequence editor.

  4. so. i have a text animation wich i want to add to a video. but the text needs to be added later in the video. the car comes across the screen and then the text is dropping in after the car is passed. how do i do that? will keyframes work for that?

  5. Great tutorial, I'm using the current blender 2.75 and I have the backdrop rendering fine, but the model I'm trying to composite onto it is not showing up? I tried following your instructions but it's not rendering the model and its animation over the backdrop.

    Edit: I believe the animation is not showing up on the renderlayer

    Edit: I belive I found the answer, for some reason the animation is not on a transparent background so the video is being covered by it.

  6. Kris, I'm wondering why you haven't played with cinelerra in your years of FOSS. I know it's not as community-driven as most FOSS, but it's GPL, nonetheless. Btw last I checked it has had motion tracking since the early 2000's. It also supports real time compositing like the old Unix Silicon Graphics stuff they used for the Weather channel way back in the day. I'd love to see you do some tuts on it.

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