Blender Tutorial For Beginners: Animation
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rZC8i7nq32k/hqdefault.jpg http://www.LittleWebHut.com This Blender video demonstrates how to animate a clock. Blender’s cycles render engine is used during this video. Blender version 2.67b was used for this tutorial. This video shows many techniques that may be helpful to beginners. Blender website Homepage source
Tron Light Cycles recreated in Blender
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fqPiBl5TUTc/hqdefault.jpg The light cycles from Tron recreated using Blender. I copied the light cycle geometry as well as I could, then applied more reflective materials than the original. The scene is entirely lit using light emission from the grid lines. source
Top 25 Blender 3D Intro Templates 2017 + Free Download 3D Intro Template!
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GMBacCHr6TE/hqdefault.jpg Top 25 Blender 3D Intro Templates 2017 + Free Download 3D Intro Template! Today with free 3D Blender intro templates 2017. They are fast render, gaming, sync, chill, colorful and epic. Royalty-free 100%, it could using them in any sharing site video (like YouTube intro) and can find more in our channel « Top…
Blender 2.65 Simple Fire & Smoke Tutorial
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ne_qEeBvHRM/hqdefault.jpg This is my first attempt at a tutorial. I made it to demonstrate how to simply create a fire and smoke simulation in Blender 2.65. Feel free to ask if you have any questions but for many common issues, check here – http://youtu.be/R0PWu0dSRX4 Intro Music: Title – Symphony Call Artist – Royalty Free Music…
Blender Tutorial : Die Grundlagen #01 ( Die Arbeitsumgebung ) [deutsch] – SBL Multimedia
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rVgYrM6Nrf0/hqdefault.jpg Blender direkt kostenlos downloaden : http://adf.ly/1fZ3hO Diese Woche will ich mit etwas neuem Beginnen und nicht mit einer neuen Arbeitsart in Cinema 4D sondern ein ganz neues Programm auspacken. Das Programm nennt sich Blender und ist ein Kostenloses 3D Visualisierungsprogramm damit lassen sich allerhand nette Sachen anstellen. Und es wird jetzt einige Blender Videos…
Creature Creation – Modeling, Sculpting, Texturing, Rigging (BLENDER TIMELAPSE)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/sXg0IRKhEho/hqdefault.jpg Creature Creation I want to show you guys how i modeled, sculpted, textured, and rigged my creature. Final render you can find here: https://www.facebook.com/Hokiroya/photos/a.561299973939763.1073741825.349856758417420/824350217634736/?type=1&theater I will probably make a tutorial of this source
How to use shape keys to morph a mesh in Blender 3D
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/a5V0YC29AKU/hqdefault.jpg Blender 3D 2.66 Shape Keys Tutorial – How to use shape keys to morph a mesh in Blender 3D http://imagelucidity.com http://facebook.com/imageluciditydesign source
Blender tutorial: Make Object Emit Light (Blender Render)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0y9pQKKNYnU/hqdefault.jpg This tutorial is here because i feel it is necessary to show you guys how to emit light in normal render and not using cycles. source
Modeling bread toaster in Blender
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Mj9H_QuGRD8/hqdefault.jpg Download finished mode: https://goo.gl/VzVcL6 CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ I was using a real object as my reference. Buy your own from amazon if interested. 🙂 https://goo.gl/rkjAJt Music: “Probably Shouldn’t” by Stefan Kartenberg 2017 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ “Living Nightmare” by Snowflake 2016 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/…