Tag: blender 3d

  • Blender Tutorial : Water Shader ( 5mins )

    Blender Tutorial : Water Shader ( 5mins )

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WdaQ7ee_IXQ/hqdefault.jpg In this video i’ll show you how to make a material for water. source

  • | PigArt | BLENDER Tutorial: Basics of isometric rendering

    | PigArt | BLENDER Tutorial: Basics of isometric rendering

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5QQCTPMYYs0/hqdefault.jpg ­Time to learn how to make isometric renderings. In this video you will learn the basics of this type of rendering. After watching this you should be able to open up blender and make a great looking render! _ ► Blenderartists.org: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?327495-Tutorial-Learn-the-basics-of-isometric-rendering ► Blendswap.com: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/72593 ► Render download: http://imgur.com/JZ4qsOI,4FcNzdj ­_ Liked the video? Learned…

  • Modeling a building in Blender

    Modeling a building in Blender

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qJJRC2ebvSE/hqdefault.jpg http://cgcookie.com/blender/2010/12/22/modeling-a-building/ In this Blender 2.5 video tutorial we go through a fun modeling exercise by modeling a building from a single reference. Due to not have any head-on views of the building we model everything by eyeballing it, using some techniques to best approximate the actual dimensions. By the end of the tutorial we’re…

  • Swimming Pool in Blender 3d

    Swimming Pool in Blender 3d

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bw8SjZtQN_I/hqdefault.jpg Test of another type of water in Blender 3d. Thanks to Colin Litster’s tutorial! http://www.cogfilms.com/tutorials.html (Rendering time is extremely fast) source

  • How To Make Fire in Blender 2.65+

    How To Make Fire in Blender 2.65+

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kcWDtLv5fyA/hqdefault.jpg http://www.jjannaway3d.com/ http://facebook.com/jjannaway3d http://twitter.com/moleytron Today we take a look at the updated fire generator in Blender 2.65 thanks to blender.org source

  • Blender tutorial – simple cat model (Blender tutoriál – Model postavy kočky domácí)

    Blender tutorial – simple cat model (Blender tutoriál – Model postavy kočky domácí)

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rssKa9I3UY4/hqdefault.jpg Tutoriál na velmi jednoduchý model kočky domácí. Není zahrnut obličej, pouze základní tvar postavy. Nejedná se sice o nejrychlejší metodu, na druhou stranu je … source

  • Tutorial – Create an Alien Planet in Blender

    Tutorial – Create an Alien Planet in Blender

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8kuF0QYMkog/hqdefault.jpg Tutorial – Create an Alien Planet in Blender In May, astronomers announced the discovery of 1,284 new exoplanets, the single largest haul of alien worlds made to date. Among the exoplanets discovered were nine rocky worlds that could possibly support life as we know it. This discovery was made using NASA’s Kepler space telescope,…

  • Menger Schwamm (in Blender 3D)

    Menger Schwamm (in Blender 3D)

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hHsFUmMFIX0/hqdefault.jpg Menger Schwamm (Level 4) (4.Iteration) Bau mit Blender 3D (V 2.6.2) ) und Simulierter Flug durch diesen. 295808 Verticles www.blender.org Erst langsamer Aufbau und dann simulierter Flug hindurch. source

  • Archimesh v1.0.2 – Blender Addon Spotlight

    Archimesh v1.0.2 – Blender Addon Spotlight

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TTzcXmeN2gE/hqdefault.jpg Today we show you all the functions and settings used in the recently updated Archimesh script that generates architectural meshes by Antonioya. Intro is to help someone who asked how to install it Actual video officially starts at 2:40 – Room From Draw 5:00 – Room Generator 8:20 – Door Generator 9:25 – Window…

  • Blender Tutorial Linking a Carnegie Mellon University Motion Capture File to a Stick Man Skin

    Blender Tutorial Linking a Carnegie Mellon University Motion Capture File to a Stick Man Skin

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mzWyO838C-0/hqdefault.jpg Carnegie Mellon University have made available over two thousand motion capture files, free to use. This tutorial shows how to link one of these files to the … source