Autodesk Maya tutorial | 3D Modeling
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0fp_hODRSgE/hqdefault.jpg In this course, you will learn how to work in Maya like a pro, for more tutorials and training please subscribe my channel and press the bell icon to be updated with many new tutorials and training about Autodesk Maya, Vray, 3D animation, Character animation, game modeling techniques and much much more. source
BLENDER 093 Guru Donut Emission
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_BSQ-oHlEaE/hqdefault.jpg source
BLENDER 092 Guru Donut Cremosinho
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aiJ8kvu8FzI/hqdefault.jpg source
BLENDER 091 Guru Donut Noise Texture
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5shJPhy_zYg/hqdefault.jpg source
Maya Character Animation Showreel 2017 – Wasim Shaikh
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GWXhvysM4zs/hqdefault.jpg Maya Character Animation Showreel 2017 – Wasim Shaikh Software :- Maya, After Effects, Arnold, photoshop source
Introduction to Maya 2017 for Games – 3Dmotive
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EIVMN30KOE0/hqdefault.jpg Get the tutorial here http://cbr.sh/prp2ry ? Shop For Curated Digital Art Resources: http://cubebrush.co ? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cubebrush
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cubebrush ? Instagram: https://instagram.com/cubebrush In this course, you will be receiving a comprehensive introduction to Maya 2017! Here, we will cover how Maya works, starting with navigating its UI, and then building a project that will…
Shure Microphone (Cinema 4D Tutorial)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/onTfWHeKsqc/hqdefault.jpg Ich habe einen kleinen Fehler in diesem Video gemacht. Verwendet beim Mittering (Topology) im Bevel Deformer “Uniform”, dann habt Ihr auch keine Dreiecke. // I made a little mistake in my video. Use in the Mittering-Settings in the Bevel Deformer (Topoplogy) “Uniform”, so you get rid of the triangles. Thanks for the tip to…