Skinning Rigging and applying mocap data using Human IK tutorial in Maya
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pvVgf9jETyo/hqdefault.jpg Tutorial showing how to create a skeleton for a simple polygon model, skin it using heat map, setup the skeleton for Human IK, create a Human IK control rig, importing mocap files, and applying them to the rig. All done in maya 2014 source
1.3: Graphing with Chart.js – Working With Data & APIs in JavaScript
The lesson continues working with tabular data (CSV) and examines how to graph the data in an HTML5 canvas with Chart.js.
NEXT LESSON: https://youtu.be/uxf0–uiX0I
PREVIOUS LESSON: https://youtu.be/RfMkdvN-23o
FULL COURSE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRqwX-V7Uu6YxDKpFzf_2D84p0cyk4T7X
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Coding Challenges: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRqwX-V7Uu6ZiZxtDDRCi6uhfTH4FilpH
Intro to Programming:…
2.2 Geolocation Web API – Working with Data and APIs in JavaScript
https://github.com/CodingTrain/Intro-to-Data-APIs-JS Before diving into communication between client and server (GET and POST requests), let’s look at the Geolocation Web API with navigator.geolocation. This data will be sent to the server and stored in a database in upcoming videos.
Web API Navigator: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator
NEXT LESSON: https://youtu.be/Kw5tC5nQMRY
PREVIOUS LESSON: https://youtu.be/wxbQP1LMZsw
FULL COURSE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRqwX-V7Uu6YxDKpFzf_2D84p0cyk4T7X…
2.4 Saving to a Database – Working with Data and APIs in JavaScript
https://github.com/CodingTrain/Intro-to-Data-APIs-JS It’s time to add a database! Let’s learn why databases are important. For this video, I’ll start by using NeDB for the Data Selfie App.
NeDB: https://github.com/louischatriot/nedb
NEXT LESSON: https://youtu.be/q-lUgFxwjEM
PREVIOUS LESSON: https://youtu.be/Kw5tC5nQMRY
FULL COURSE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRqwX-V7Uu6YxDKpFzf_2D84p0cyk4T7X
Socratica – SQL for Beginners: https://youtu.be/OfM5lC-7R4Y
What is Firebase?: https://youtu.be/JrHT1iqSrAQ
1.4: JSON – Working with Data and APIs in JavaScript
https://github.com/CodingTrain/Intro-to-Data-APIs-JS With our previous projects, we learned about fetch() and tabular data. This next project will show you how to work with JSON data from an API including how to load JSON data with fetch() and update DOM element.
Where the ISS at?: https://wheretheiss.at/
JSON chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/json-formatter/bcjindcccaagfpapjjmafapmmgkkhgoa?hl=en
NEXT LESSON: https://youtu.be/nZaZ2dB6pow
Custom JavaScript Variable within Google Tag Manager (ClientID, Document Title etc)
Let us explore how to use the Custom JavaScript Variable in Google Tag Manager accurately. This Variable is often used to extend the functionality of GTM beyond the provided methods of creating Variables. If you know JavaScript, you can easily input an anonymous function which will be executed when the Variable is checked. This allows…
Form validation with JavaScript (on user registration form)
Source code: https://goo.gl/sihxZ7 Support me on Patreon: https://goo.gl/hv7yjB Using JavaScript, the input fields of the registration page are validated individually. Form submitting is prevented if all the form validation rules are not fulfilled. Styled error messages are displayed underneath each field and the user is prompted to re-enter the correct value. To learn how to…
Audio Visualization with Blender 3D & Animation Nodes
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MxGskmKnIws/hqdefault.jpg A Blender 3D Tutorial covering how to use Animation Nodes to visualize audio, music, or any sound data within the program. In this tutorial you will learn how to import sound data, use Animation Nodes (AN) to evaluate that data, and then let the data drive the value of a specific parameter in Blender.…
JavaScript Programming Tutorial 19 – String Data Type
Get $250 off DevMountain: http://calebcurry.com/devmountain JavaScript Crash Course: http://calebcurry.com/javascript-crash-course Read my blog: http://calebcurry.com/javascript-blogs This is #19 in a series on JavaScript. This video will introduce you to the String data type (both primitive and object version), how to work with it, and how to do cool things like string templates. Instagram: http://instagram.com/CalebCurry Twitter: http://twitter.com/calebCurry Facebook:…
Tutorial | MYSQL: Database Query Component | Matillion ETL for BigQuery
In this tutorial we discuss how you can use the Database Query component with MYSQL in Matillion ETL for BigQuery. You can learn more about the Database … Original source