Tag: functional programming

  • ReactCasts #9 – Immutability in JavaScript

    In this episode I’ll talk about why immutability is important and how it can benefit you. I will draw some comparisons between JavaScript (which doesn’t treat data as immutable by default) and programming languages that have immutability built in. Finally, I will show how to make immutable operations in plain Javascript. Episode Source Code: https://github.com/cassiozen/ReactCasts/tree/master/episode9…

  • Iterators in JavaScript using Quokka.js

    πŸ’– Quokka, the funky inline evaluation tool used in the video (Show sponsor) http://quokka.funfunfunction.com πŸ”— Fun Fun Forum topic for the video https://www.funfunforum.com/t/iterators-in-javascript-using-quokka/4533 πŸ”— Support the show by becoming a Patreon πŸ”—Code from the episode https://github.com/mpj/funfuniterators πŸ”— mpj on Twitter Tweets by mpjme πŸ”— Help translate the show to your language http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?tab=2&c=UCO1cgjhGzsSYb1rsB4bFe4Q Today, we’re going…

  • async / await in JavaScript – What, Why and How – Fun Fun Function

    πŸ’– Support the show by becoming a Patreon https://www.patreon.com/funfunfunction async and await in JavaScript allows us to pause the execution of functions, and that allows us to write asynchronous code that reads like synchronous code. πŸ”— Code snippets from the episode https://gist.github.com/mpj/3f8bc0c6ecda4294fbeff99f1e3fae85 πŸ”— Promises video πŸ”— Map video πŸ”— Inline evaluation plugin http://quokka.funfunfunction.com πŸ”— mpj…

  • Discovering JavaScript

    Watch this amazing talk on Discovering JavaScript by Dr. Venkat Subramaniam who is an award-winning author, founder of Agile Developer, Inc., and an instructional professor at the University of Houston. EVENT: Build Stuff, 2016 SPEAKER: Venkat Subramaniam PERMISSIONS: Coding Tech received a permission to republish this video from the event organizer. Additional material for JavaScript…

  • JavaScript Snake Game Tutorial Using Functional Programming

    Build a Snake Game in JavaScript using Functional Programming concepts. No libraries are used in this JavaScript tutorial. πŸ’» Source code: https://github.com/chrokh/snake Created by Christopher Okhravi. πŸ”—Check out his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbF-4yQQAWw-UnuCd2Azfzg — Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.com Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://medium.freecodecamp.com And subscribe for new…

  • JavaScript Tutorial: Unit Testing with Tape pt2

    See more tutorials at https://frontendgods.com In this video we are going to format the output of Tape to a more readable format with tap-simple and tap-spec. Original source

  • Prototype basics – Object Creation in JavaScript P3 – FunFunFunction #46

    We’ll go through the absolute basics of the prototype in this video. I’m going to explain why you should learn prototypes, and how they work. Complete series playlist: “Object creation in JavaScript” https://goo.gl/ELUE4B You’re probably used to doing inheritance with classes. JavaScript achieves inheritance using prototypes. The real-world analogy used when teaching classes is a…

  • __proto__ vs prototype – Object Creation in JavaScript P5 – FunFunFunction #52

    We explore the __proto__ property on JavaScript Objects, and how it relates to the normal prototype. Basically, the .__proto__ property points to the object that the current object actually will use when doing lookups on the prototype chain, while “.prototype” only exists on functions, in case you want to use those objects as constructors passed…

  • The ‘new’ keyword – Object Creation in JavaScript P4 – FunFunFunction #50

    We explore the new keyword in JavaScript works when applied to functions. This is the old school way of faking classes in JavaScript, prior to the class keyword being introduced in ES6. (We are going to be looking at the JavaScript ES6 class keyword later in this series) # Stuff mentioned in the video: β€’…

  • Arrow functions in JavaScript – What, Why and How – FunFunFunction #32

    Arrow functions are (pretty much) a shorter function syntax in JavaScript. Because of their extreme terseness, arrow functions allows us to use use functions in a new way, making lots of functions that are small, inline and single-purpose. Table of contents: 00:18 β–Ί What are arrow functions in JavaScript 00:53 β–Ί Why use arrow functions…