Tag: functional programming

  • Prototype basics – Object Creation in JavaScript P3 – FunFunFunction #46

    We’ll go through the absolute basics of the prototype in this video. I’m going to explain why you should learn prototypes, and how they work. Complete series playlist: “Object creation in JavaScript” https://goo.gl/ELUE4B You’re probably used to doing inheritance with classes. JavaScript achieves inheritance using prototypes. The real-world analogy used when teaching classes is a…

  • Generators in JavaScript – What, Why and How – FunFunFunction #34

    Generators are (kind of) pausable functions in JavaScript. Another word for them is co-routines. They are used (among other things) to manage async operations, and play very well with promises. I’m also active on: ► Twitter https://twitter.com/mpjme ► Medium https://medium.com/@mpjme ► Quora https://www.quora.com/profile/Mattias-Petter-Johansson Resources: ► Recursion in JavaScript ► Promises in JavaScript ► ES6 JavaScript…

  • JavaScript Tutorial: Curried Functions

    Function currying in JavaScript. Also be sure to check out my latest course on Udemy and use this link to get the course for a cheapter price: http://bit.ly/1XJvXJz In this video we are going to look at a basic example of function currying in JavaScript. The main idea behind curried functions is that the arguments…

  • JavaScript Tutorial: Unit Testing with Tape pt1

    Testing JavaScript with Tape. Also be sure to check out my latest course on Udemy and use this link to get the course 50% off: http://bit.ly/1SWkFxM Tape is a very simple tool that makes unit testing very simple. In this video we are going to learn how to set up tape and write a basic…

  • bind and this – Object Creation in JavaScript P1 – FunFunFunction #43

    This video is the first in a video series about how to do Object Creation in JavaScript. I will NOT be teaching object orientation principles in general – this video series is for you if you’re already pretty familiar with object orientation, but confused around how it works in JavaScript specifically. At the end of…

  • var, let and const – What, why and how – ES6 JavaScript Features

    In ES5, we only had one type of variable, var, but in ES6, we have three. types of variables: var, let and const. In this video, we explore the what, why, and how of var, let and const, and I also do a little lecture on the value of minimising mutable state. ► 00:35 var…