Tag: game development tutorial for beginners

  • Creating a 3D Anime Character From Scratch (Part 2): Project Feline Indie Game Dev Log #13

    Creating a 3D Anime Character From Scratch (Part 2): Project Feline Indie Game Dev Log #13

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fyZIWahSRBA/hqdefault.jpg PLAY THE PROTOTOYPE: https://raymondafcripps.itch.io/feline Support on Patreon: http://patreon.com/raymondafcripps Join the Community Discord: http://discord.gg/BfvRJyS In this indie game dev log episode, we will be continuing the development of Gabriella’s in-game character model for Project: Feline! We will be transforming the base humanoid mesh into Gabriella by adding in her feature characteristics, like her eyes, mouth,…

  • Create a Platformer Game with JavaScript – Full Tutorial

    Learn how to create a platformer game using vanilla JavaScript. First, learn to organize the code using the Model, View, Controller (MVC) strategy and the principles of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Then, learn how to program movement, draw a tile map, and detect collision. Finally, see how to animate the sprites, load levels, and collect…