Tag: maya 3d tutorial

  • Sonic Mania Model, Rig, Animation | Autodesk Maya Rig Animation [Sonic Rig]

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gKZ-18wQI0I/hqdefault.jpg So yeah! I’m back with a something different than usual as you see. It’s a full Sonic Mania Rig showcase for the people who might be into these things and maybe interested. Don’t worry more SFM Animations are coming soon i was just away for a break but did some writing and storyboarding here…

  • 3D Maya – The Toon Render Tutorial Thing

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/88Aqy706vdw/hqdefault.jpg Maya 2016 Wanna know why I am so fucked up with toon shader? Long story short I am person that avoid render especially toon render on 3D software with all … source

  • Autodesk Maya Wheel Rotation Tutorial

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Ns7oWJQgZWU/hqdefault.jpg – Made with Autodesk Maya 2016 Student version – Recorded with ezvid, free download at http://ezvid.com – Thanks to ghostwarrior 6704 for the Wheel Object: http://tf3dm.com/3d-model/-ghost-59929.html – Thanks to Sangiemenla for the expression idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHiiVMC3HDQ Formula: wheel01.rotateZ = (control.translateX / (3.14)) *-360 source

  • Maya Rigging Tutorial Part3 – Quick human Setup : 第三回 人間のセットアップ!

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/D2zYPjjDJgY/hqdefault.jpg 今回も動画ご視聴ありがとうございます!:) こんにちは ひであきです。 今回はキャラクターのリギングになります。 簡単ではありますが、今回のリグをベースにスキルアップして頂けたらなと思っております。 動画では忘れてましたが、コントローラーを全部配置したら、まとめてトランスフォームのフリーズをかけてあげましょう。 あと使用しないアトリビュートのロック/非表示も忘れずに!:) 特にリガー志望で基礎から学びたい方の参考になれば幸いです 。 分からないことがあれば、コメント欄やTwitterで遠慮なく聞いてください。 自分が知っている範囲でお答えいたします。 my info twitter : https://twitter.com/hidemp27 youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_xUP-gPzw7crRWLMGTGRcQ linkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/hideaki-saeki-7a3821b9?trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile_pic モデルの提供は田島君です! Twitter : https://twitter.com/MITSUKI_Bomber source

  • 3D Autodesk Maya 026 Animacion practica pelota botando

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/z-L5wlCHmVI/hqdefault.jpg Tomando como ejemplo algunos conceptos basicos de animacion del capitulo anterior realizamos esta practica de animacion en 3D Autodesk Maya con un ejercicio clasico como el de la pelota botando. Veremos varias de las herramientas que nos ofrece Maya para generar animacion de forma facil y sencilla como los keyframes y el Graph editor…

  • Maya tutorial : How to create a mirror in Maya

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Mo_FgWB_TmI/hqdefault.jpg A pretty basic tutorial on how to create a mirror in Maya. Let me know if you have any comments or questions. Check my channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/MikeHermes65 If you are looking for a formal type of education to improve your skills in Maya and going ( back ) to school is not an option,…

  • Maya-3D.com | Chichen Itza – El Caracol

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/074A8Twkxec/hqdefault.jpg 3D-Reconstruction of “El Caracol” Chichen Itza, Mexico source

  • Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – Motion Limitation

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BHAlSYTTmHs/hqdefault.jpg SU 2011 – MA391 — A –Character Setup: J.B Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – Eye Controls Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – IK Arm Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – IK Back spline Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – IK Leg ————————————————– This is a quick recap for what Jason has already covered in class. Leave any…

  • Autodesk Maya Tutorial – Flower Modeling

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bjWG3wDogNE/hqdefault.jpg source

  • Maya to Mudbox and back to Maya: Basic tutorial

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/llF0KkyvVI4/hqdefault.jpg A very simple first tutorial where we make a coin in Maya then export it to Mudbox, give it some detail and export a normal map. We then bring it back to Maya and give it a quick render in Mental ray. source