Tag: opensource

  • Haters gonna hate: 7 ways to deal with criticism

    Haters gonna hate: 7 ways to deal with criticism

    [ad_1] It’s an unfortunate reality of sharing your work: Some people jump in to provide unwanted and unconstructive criticism. As a wise philosopher (OK, it was Taylor Swift) once put it, “Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate.” In healthy communities, constructive feedback (even if it’s critical) will vastly outnumber the hate. Yet even in those…

  • 3 essential skills for fostering productive debate in your IT team

    3 essential skills for fostering productive debate in your IT team

    [ad_1] Passionate debate fuels many open source communities and open organizations. Open and productive debate helps us refine and improve our ideas—and it ensures that everyone understands why a particular solution or idea is chosen. Yet this kind of debate seems to be the exception rather than the rule among IT organizations. And that’s a…

  • Top 4 CDN services for hosting open source libraries

    Top 4 CDN services for hosting open source libraries

    [ad_1] A CDN, or content delivery network, is a network of strategically placed servers located around the world used for the purpose of delivering files faster to users. A traditional CDN will allow you to accelerate your website’s images, CSS files, JS files, and any other piece of static content. This allows website owners to accelerate all…

  • How to get started learning to program

    How to get started learning to program

    [ad_1] There’s a lot of buzz lately about learning to program. Not only is there a shortage of people compared with the open and pending positions in software development, programming is also a career with one of the highest salaries and highest job satisfaction rates. No wonder so many people are looking to break into…

  • Users stand up, speak out, and deliver data on OpenStack growth

    Users stand up, speak out, and deliver data on OpenStack growth

    [ad_1] Last week, the OpenStack Foundation announced the results of its ninth user survey. OpenStack users responded in record-breaking numbers to participate, and their voices as revealed in the data tell the real story of OpenStack. The OpenStack community is growing, thriving with new users, deployments, code contributions, and collaborations, all on the rise. User…

  • Book review: Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow

    Book review: Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow

    [ad_1] What is the one thing in common among Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Cortana, Apple Siri, or Facebook Messaging M? All of these personal assistants are powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). According to Glassdoor and Upwork.com, machine learning is an in-demand skill for 2017 and will be for many years. How will…

  • How Kubernetes is making contributing easy

    How Kubernetes is making contributing easy

    [ad_1] As the program manager of the Kubernetes community at Google, Sarah Novotny has years of experience in open source communities including MySQL and NGINX. Sarah sat down with me at CloudNativeCon in Berlin at the end of March to discuss both the Kubernetes community and open source communities more broadly. Among the topics we…

  • A new Android app for teaching kids how to read

    A new Android app for teaching kids how to read

    [ad_1] Have you been looking for software to help your child to read? Well, your quest may be over. Phoenicia is a new literacy application for Android developed by Michael Hall, an open source software developer, community manager, and technology evangelist currently working at Canonical, maker of Ubuntu. In this interview, he talks about the diagnosis of…

  • How to make branding decisions in an open community

    How to make branding decisions in an open community

    [ad_1] On April 18, Docker founder Solomon Hykes made a big announcement via a pull request in the main Docker repo: “Docker is transitioning all of its open source collaborations to the Moby project going forward.” The docker/docker repo now redirects to moby/moby, and Solomon’s pull request updates the README and logo for the project…

  • Making open decisions at scale

    Making open decisions at scale

    [ad_1] In a start-up organization, anticipating how a decision will impact the people you work with is relatively easy. If you don’t know, you just ask them, then make adjustments accordingly. Open conversations like these are an intuitive and expected practice in most start-up environments. Yet as an organization grows to include more and more…