Tag: opensource

  • Why and how to publish your work and opinions

    Why and how to publish your work and opinions

    [ad_1] This free webinar, “Why and How to Publish Your Work and Opinions​” will be given by Opensource.com Editor and Community Manager Rikki Endsley and Linux.com Editor Libby Clark. Learn how to successfully publish your technical work and viewpoints, as well as how to identify publications to target. As part of its goal to cultivate more…

  • More than just apps: 5 innovative uses for C#

    More than just apps: 5 innovative uses for C#

    [ad_1] The .NET platform has always been a mainstay of the desktop and server app development field, powering Windows Forms, WPF, ASP.NET, and many years of Line of Business (LOB) apps. Today, however, .NET is a very different platform; it’s powered by an open-source API-based compiler platform, features in-built scripting capabilities, and C# can be…

  • How I became a webcomic artist in less than a month with open source tools

    How I became a webcomic artist in less than a month with open source tools

    [ad_1] If you are reading this, you probably care about, or are at least mildly interested in, open source. Like you, I care about and am interested in open source. Perhaps unlike you, I am also a webcomic artist. You can find my work at Herpaderp.party. This is a story about how I came to…

  • How Operation Code helps veterans learn programming skills

    How Operation Code helps veterans learn programming skills

    [ad_1] After leaving the military, Army Captain David Molina knew he wanted to go into software development. As Molina did research on the field, he found himself overwhelmed by the vast amount of information and choices. For example: What coding language is the right one to learn? What language is the most valuable for being…

  • 4 new OpenStack how-tos and guides

    4 new OpenStack how-tos and guides

    [ad_1] About the author Jason Baker – Jason is passionate about using technology to make the world more open, from software development to bringing sunlight to local governments. Linux desktop enthusiast. Map/geospatial nerd. Raspberry Pi tinkerer. Data analysis and visualization geek. Occasional coder. Cloud nativist. Follow him on Twitter. OpenStack has a big ecosystem. Learn how…

  • The new replication features in MySQL 8

    The new replication features in MySQL 8

    [ad_1] This year at the Percona Live open source database conference, I will present a talk on the latest replication features in MySQL 8.0. It was a huge amount of work to get the MySQL Group Replication plugin out with MySQL 5.7.17. Group Replication is a new plugin that gives the user some nice replication…

  • 12 ways to maintain your existing community: How you deal with difficult conversations?

    12 ways to maintain your existing community: How you deal with difficult conversations?

    [ad_1] About the author Stormy Peters – Stormy Peters leads the Community Leads team at Red Hat. Stormy is passionate about open source software and educates companies and communities on how open source software is changing the software industry. She is a compelling speaker who engages her audiences during and after her presentations. Be a…

  • Top 5: Projects for Raspberry Pi at home, how to write fast Python, and more

    Top 5: Projects for Raspberry Pi at home, how to write fast Python, and more

    [ad_1] In this week’s top 5, we highlight projects for Raspberry Pi at home, how to write fast and thread-safe Python, 12 ways to study a new programming language, a Linux-friendly amplifier for listening to music, and 3 open source boilerplate web design templates. Top 5 articles of the week 5. 3 open source boilerplate web design templates Jason…

  • 3 open source code libraries to handle MARC-formatted records

    3 open source code libraries to handle MARC-formatted records

    [ad_1] Welcome back to Nooks & Crannies! After a month off for my wedding, I’ve been digging around for some interesting bits for upcoming columns. This month, I’ll take a look at some open source code libraries that developers can use to handle MARC-formatted records. A little background for the MARC novice MARC stands for MAchine…

  • 5 ways to succeed at learning a programming language

    5 ways to succeed at learning a programming language

    [ad_1] Whether you’re taking up programming for the first time, or learning your 50th language, you might ask, “What’s the best way to learn to program?” I surveyed dozens of people who taught themselves to program in Rust as part of my OSCON talk in 2016, and asked the expert autodidacts what advice they would…