Tag: set driven key

  • Rigging 2D Lego Facial Expressions in Maya (Tutorial)

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7McfbRv9Q60/hqdefault.jpg Ever wonder how to get those 2d-animated facial expressions on a 3D object? Well, now’s your chance! In this tutorial, Nick Romick explains how to use keyed expressions to drive UV coordinates to change both the eyes and the mouth expressions all in one neat material… then apply that to a Lego version of…

  • Maya Rigging Bangla Tutorial (BlendShape & Set Driven Key) Part – 3

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nivAPq9Xg8Q/hqdefault.jpg In this tutorial You’ll learn 1. BlendShape 2. Set Driven key with Blendshape 3. Set Driven Key With Bones/Joints Thanks For Watching. source

  • Facial Rigging Tutorial

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0_0quIDxlOw/hqdefault.jpg email: addyb1991@hotmail.co.uk Here’s my first ever tutorial on how to create a facial rig using Autodesk Maya. In this video i cover creating and adding blend shapes, the joint tool, eye constraints and the set driven key tool. email: addyb1991@hotmail.co.uk source

  • Maya Rigging 101 – How to make a simple IK/FK switch

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FMoI7t1PmBI/hqdefault.jpg Maya rigging tutorial, how to make a simple IK/FK switch using set driven keys and some cool information about constraints and how they work. source