Tutorial | Photoshop CS6 | Tipps & Tricks für Einsteiger | [HD] [German/Deutsch]
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kORWMbI–SY/hqdefault.jpg Ich hoffe euch hat das Tutorial Gefallen. Das waren paar Tipps & Tricks Für Photoshop CS 6. Ich würde mich über eure Meinung Sehr Freuen und schreibt in die kommis ob ich Euch da weiter helfen konnte MFG DarksitesGFX FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Darksites-Design/136100239900149 https://www.facebook.com/dennis.kriszio.77 YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/DarksitesGFX View Original Source Here
High key photography anywhwere (flash photography tips)
use this camera http://amzn.to/18B5DKE this flash http://amzn.to/WM4Opz Link to the dish used http://amzn.to/UzMj94 and this lens http://amzn.to/WM45ET Blog link to more details http://dombowerphoto.blogspot.com/2010/10/high-key-photography-anywhere-flash.html In this video I show you how you can make High Key images with a couple of speedlights anywhere. If you enjoy my videos please post them on your Facebook page and…
Beginners Photography Photoshop Tutorials – Digital Backgrounds And Props
http://www.newportraitbiz.com/tips – Learn How To use Digital Props & Backgrounds in your photography business. For more videos visit…http://newportraitbiz.com Original source
Photoshop CS6 tutorial – Digital make up
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5NZkLaf4kgQ/hqdefault.jpg Photoshop CS6 tutorial – Digital make up Create digital make up in just few steps using Adobe Photoshop. You can change eye shadow for any color you want. This method can be used for lip stick and blusher as well. Direct link to article: http://photoshoptutorials.eu/digital-makeup Find more on: http://photoshoptutorials.eu *** LIKE Photoshop Tutorials on…
Tips para el Rigging en Autodesk Maya / fácil y rápido.
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LLruiM4Pii8/hqdefault.jpg Hoy les enseñare a hacer todos los huesos de nuestro personaje y mencionare algunos errores comunes que suceden al hacerlo. Espero que les haya servido. REDES SOCIALES: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alex_versuss_ #autodeskmaya #rigging #maya2019 source
How You Can Share Your Photography with the World Without Social Media with Photographer Marc Silber
Here’s some tips from Marc Silber on how you can share your photography with the world–without using social media! Get Marc’s book free! Just pay shipping and handling! https://bit.ly/3686ExN
Advance your Photography join the AYP Club! https://www.facebook.com/groups/AYPCLUB/ Buy Create book here: https://www.silberstudios.com/create Check out our merchandise: http://bit.ly/310mO7y INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/marcsilber WEBSITE: http://www.silberstudios.com FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/marcsilbershow TWITTER: https://twitter.com/AYPShow…
Bird Photography – 24 hours in my photo blind
I decide to sleep in my photo blind to hopefully get the opportunity to photograph the shy birds. Behind the scenes about the wildlife photographer’s alarm clock and more. Open full description for more information. Head to http://squarespace.com/mortenhilmer to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code mortenhilmer. Location: Denmark…
Lens Hoods – Why, When, and How to Use Them
Description https://www.steeletraining.com – Learn all about lens hoods (also called lens shades) plus a tip for transporting them without wasting space in your camera bag. For more free photography tutorials that you can’t find here, visit my site at SteeleTraining.com: https://www.steeletraining.com Original source
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Tutorial | Advanced Tips for Adjustment Layers | InfiniteSkills
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DRzDteLI8QY/hqdefault.jpg Want all our free Adobe Photoshop CS6 Mobile Training Videos? Download our free iPad app at : http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/video-training-courses-from/id418130423?mt=8 More videos from the full Adobe Photoshop CS6 Mobile course can be seen here: http://www.infiniteskills.com/training/learning-adobe-photoshop-cs6.html This hands-on Photoshop training video clip shows some of the real power possible with adjustment layers in CS6. The full Photoshop…
Photoshop CS6 Tutorial: Using the Transform Tool
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XrF3LjEpdQQ/hqdefault.jpg Watch the full course at http://www.SimonSezIT.com. In this training tutorial, learn how to use the Photoshop CS6 Transform tool. Get the full course on Adobe Photoshop CS6 here: http://www.simonsezit.com/courses/adobe/learn-adobe-photoshop-cs6-training-tutorials/ View Original Source Here