Low Poly Artwork from Photographs | Photoshop Tutorial
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/F8awkBzpUIw/hqdefault.jpg Bam, look at that wolf! Also ft. Phoebe the cat. Thanks for watching! Subscribe: TipTut: https://www.youtube.com/c/tiptut LinkTCOne: http://www.youtube.com/c/LinkTCOne Social Media: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tiptutzone Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tiptutzone TipTut Theme Assets: Colour Palette: http://www.flatuicolors.com Fonts: Lovelo, Caviar Dreams View Original Source Here
Photography Snobs
A bit of a rant, just because you know something doesn’t give you the right to put others down. Photography Snobs are something that really bothers me. Thanks so much for your support and feedback! Join my community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danielnortonphotographer Follow my work on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielnorton/ Check out the gear I use to make…
Bootstrap Grid – CSS Grids Series (part 12 – 3rd Column Layout)
[ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tCrM4HzNL24/hqdefault.jpg — DevTips is a YouTube show about web design and development. “HTML5 Basics” Playlist: “CSS Basics” Playlist: “How to build a professional website from start to finish” Playlist: —- Follow the DevTips GitHub Page to get all the codez: https://github.com/DevTips DevTips now has a twitter account: Tweets by DevTipsShow Travis also tweets: Tweets…
Woodland Photography, The Ghost Tree
In this video entitled, Woodland Photography The Ghost Tree, I discover a tree that looks like Casper the Ghost Yesterday I ventured to local woodlands in search of compositions. What I found was other-worldly! a tree that looks like a ghost, it really does
I grabbed a few images I was more than happy…
10 Tips for Better Photos – photography tutorials and tips for beginners.
In this video I’m going to share with you 10 awesome tips so you can improve your photography technique and be more creative with your camera. Ideal for beginners, Nikon, Canon, Sony, Olympus, Fujifilm, no matter what camera you have, follow these basic tips to improve your photography. FREE photography Tip-Sheets : http://photogenius.com.au/learnphotography Awesome photography…
Bootstrap Grid – CSS Grids Series (part 11 – 2nd Column Layout Complete)
[ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/i7O4Ub3QeuA/hqdefault.jpg — DevTips is a YouTube show about web design and development. “HTML5 Basics” Playlist: “CSS Basics” Playlist: “How to build a professional website from start to finish” Playlist: —- Follow the DevTips GitHub Page to get all the codez: https://github.com/DevTips DevTips now has a twitter account: Tweets by DevTipsShow Travis also tweets: Tweets…
Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – Eye Controls
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-oWw3xRq4D8/hqdefault.jpg SU 2011 – MA391 — A –Character Setup: J.B Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – Eye Controls Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – IK Arm Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – IK Back spline Maya 2011 rigging tutorial – IK Leg ————————————————– This is a quick recap for what Jason has already covered in class. Leave any…
3 ultra effektive Photoshop-Techniken
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-_Sj2iOqBX8/hqdefault.jpg In diesem Tutorial habe ich dir den Meister der Bildbearbeitung, Calvin Hollywood vor die Linse geholt. Er zeigt dir in diesem Kurz-Tutorial 3 seiner geilsten Photoshop Tipps. Photoshop kann ultra einfach sein und mega Spaß machen. Das zeigen wir dir hier im VLOG-style
Mein Lightroom Videotraining kannst du hier runterladen: LIGHTROOM like a…
5 Mobile Photography Tips you must know!
In the 5th Video in their SHOOT LIKE A PRO Series, Pixel Viilage is explaining 5 more important TIPS to improve your Mobile Phone Photography. This time, Radhakrishnan Chakyat is using the new OPPO Reno with its 10x Hybrid Zoom for the demonstration. Learn Photography Online from http://www.pixelviilage.com Buy the Selfie Stick from : https://amzn.to/2RuHDDz…
AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHY CONCEPTS TO THAT WILL MAKE YOU LOOK GORGEOUS Have you ever been in a situation where your photos just looked awful and you couldn’t get why? Well, in this video I show you some brilliant photography hacks and ideas that will make you look gorgeous and give you a confidence boost. You can…