Basics of Photoshop CS6 Video editing
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qs-DgJC3nEE/hqdefault.jpg See how to edit video in Photoshop CS6. Colin Smith teaches you about timelines, multiple clips, transitions and more. From the PhotoshopCAFE Photoshop CS6 beta Launch site. http://www.photoshopcafe.com/cs6 But the way, I have just finished writing a book: Video in Photoshop for photographers and designers. http://www.amazon.com/Video-Photoshop-Photographers-Designers-Colin/dp/0321834569/ref=pd_rhf_dp_p_t_1_B9G5 Check out our full-length premium training at http://photoshopCAFE.com/video…
Intermediate Bonsai Tree 3D tutorial: 04 Retopologizing in Maya (NEX)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uJeOfGHK-2I/hqdefault.jpg FINAL PROJECT: http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/4223/treefinalmedium.png Hello! It’s been a while, as a thank for all the support (And non support haha) I have quite a series for you. This is a full length video series of my entire process making the bonsai tree listed above. This tutorial will cover making the base mesh in zbrush using…
Auto-Generate Beautiful Patterns from Any Image! – Photoshop Tutorial
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZoRUg0lCjlw/hqdefault.jpg Tried Photoshop’s In-Built Pattern Creator? Discover how to experiment and generate creative patterns automatically from any image with Photoshop! In this video, learn how to use the hidden “Create from Image” feature in Libraries to open up infinite possibilities of Pattern creation among many other features. We will also learn how to apply any…
Photography To Another Level. Amazing Photo Effects and Creative Photo Ideas
This amazing group of photographers are a great example of what creativity achieves when you are having fun! They show you how to accomplish great photos using simple tricks. With crazy effects and tricks we are sure you will enjoy learning from amazing creators! Photographers will show you how you don’t need expensive props or…
How to Snap Rotate in Autodesk Maya #shorts
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WHLN4ODNp2I/hqdefault.jpg A really short video for beginners showing how to enable snap step rotate in Autodesk Maya. This is helpful if you want to rotate a model by a specific rotation amount. Simply enable the rotate tool and hold down Ctrl + Shift + right mouse click to open the marking menus. There you can…
Vroid Studio to Autodesk Maya
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XNATDPiuprU/hqdefault.jpg Hey guys, this is the step-by-step guide on how to export avatars from Vroid Studio, and import into Autodesk Maya. ENJOY! and have fun! Software involve: Vroid Studio Autodesk Maya Cats Plugin (blender plugin) Blender iClone 7 3DXchange 7 #Vroid #Maya #CatsPlugin #Blender #iClone #3DXchange Download Vroid Studio: https://vroid.com/en/studio/ Download [blender-2.90.0 with VRM importer.zip]…
TUTORIAL RIG de un personaje completo MAYA DUPLICATE SPECIAL controles Parte 6
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7MwCtxZCqoc/hqdefault.jpg Aquí continuamos con la sexta parte del tutorial del rigg de un personaje con Maya, en esta ocasión explicamos como duplicar los set driven keys que pusimos en una mano y llevarlos a la otra mediante el duplicate special y empezamos a poner controles para la posterior animación. No olvides compartir, darle a me…
Collage image ,photo effect Photoshop cs6 tutorials
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WsSbdyC-GCc/hqdefault.jpg my blog : http://laremdesigner.blogspot.com/ fb page : https://www.facebook.com/laremdesigner in this tutorial you will learn how to make this collage of images just by using the clipping mask is a tutorials for Adobe Photoshop CS6 CS5 or CC ,the tutorial will be in English USA (united state of America) The Photoshop Effect Photoshop tutorial on…
Autodesk Maya 2018 – Stylized Pine Tree Speed Modeling
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KNYNVAesI8w/hqdefault.jpg Autodesk Maya 2018 – Stylized Tree Modeling and Texturing in Substance Designer. Learn how to put together a scene in Unreal : https://gum.co/ue4room Learn how to make the Stylized Material here : https://gumroad.com/l/paintertut Zbrush Brushes : https://gum.co/stylizedbrushes This video shows how to create a Stylized Pine Tree using Autodesk Maya and Substance Designer. You…
Photoshop Tutorial: So nutzt die Aktion für den Cartoon-Look auf deinen Bildern
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mXAixGzhDLk/hqdefault.jpg Die komplette Aktion und Serie findet ihr in unserer Kreativ-Flatrate auf https://www.tutkit.com oder direkt im Shop unter https://shop.psd-tutorials.de/produktdetails/photoshop-aktion-cartoon-Ölfarben-look–685?empfohlen_von=youtube Du hast dir die Photoshop-Aktion „Cartoon“ heruntergeladen und möchtest zur Anwendung noch ein paar Tipps und Tricks? Wunderbar! Matthias Petri zeigt dir in dieser Video-Anleitung, wie du für deine Bilder das Maximum aus der Aktion herausholst.…