The 7 best ways to find Inspiration

Not knowing what to make for your next 3D project is surprisingly common! These are the 7 tips and techniques I use to help me think of new ideas.

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39 responses to “The 7 best ways to find Inspiration”

  1. every environment lighting tutorial uses a metal material. can you do one of image textures and not just a plane texture but maybe a out door house with a fence or something. I'm thinking you have to use a sun lamps with environment lighting to bring out the bump maps and specular maps etc.

  2. for anyone looking for inspiration in fictional books I advise not watching any movies based on the books you're reading until after you've constructed your scene, the reason is quite simple: you don't want to end up accidentally recreating something that someone else already made or something similar to what someone else has made

  3. 10 bad ideas. Oh god, finally ; some advice for inspiration that actually works for me!
    Thanks! I've always had trouble with creativity (in the sense of producing inspiration from nothing), but it's not because my brain isn't thinking of anything, it's just because none of the things my brain is thinking of are complete. It's extremely easy to turn an incomplete thought into a bad idea, and it's then quite easy to turn a list of bad ideas into a good idea.

    When I was in pre-school, kids were tasked with writing a sentence and drawing something related every morning. Every morning, I would stare at a blank paper for 30+ minutes. If someone gave me this advice back then, I'd have spent my life being much more creative.

  4. dude you're awesome not only a talented artist but a very good communicator, I've listened to many videos of you and your words value very much for many (including me) that are a little bit off or haven't found their path, you rock!
    Greetings from Venezuela!

  5. Pinterest is the best place to find an inspiration. Browse for images -> then combine liked images into your mood boards (make it private if you want to) -> and (optional) find images which are very alike to one which you already have, in order to expand/combine idea

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