The Cinematic Headshot With Dylan Patrick, Fstoppers Tutorial

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46 responses to “The Cinematic Headshot With Dylan Patrick, Fstoppers Tutorial”

  1. Is it photoshopped in blahblah. Yea fstoppers don't know about background compression. If that is true you guys are the biggest fail ever. If it's not true, you are the biggest sales pitches ever. Pick one.

  2. Instead of complaining, its totally possible to just look at the images and dissect more or less how they were crafted… You have eyes and a brain, you don't need to be spoon fed every detail for this to count as a tutorial. I found this video to be helpful.

  3. F-stoppers if you are trying to sell me something please be straight up about it, otherwise you are not different than most, you know what, we find here in youtube every day. You are misleading us with the title.

  4. Бл@, если бы я жил в Калифорнии, то проблем никаких, у нас, в России, непогода 6 месяцев, имею ввиду Москву, за редким исключением, а что это значит, мы все, по большей части снимаем в студии, буквально переселяемся туда на 6 месяцев, для лета самое то, спасибо за замечательное видео, понятно, как снимать, все по делу и понятно. Спасибо!

  5. That was fantastic. Yes a bit of a marketing approach.But I would never let me not see that in the end, this just might still be a really good lesson. But I am surprised that you give nearly all the game away. I soot a very similar style of shot. Did not even know that it was a "Style" as such. So I do know a bit about what produces the results and you as far as I could see give all the info in that clip any way. Its all there to be taken. Thank you for putting that up. I think it sells it self and is with out being crude, it is the money shot people want when they have to commission an artist to create one for them. I most likely will do the paid one on the fact that you are so spot on with your advice. I do it a bit different. I use a D800e with the very old but I just love it Nikon 400mm f3.5. This has really enthused me to really have a good look at this style of shot.

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