Todo List Using HTML & CSS & JavaScript (2020)

JavaScript Tutorials | Coding a Todo List in HTML & CSS & JavaScript (Using ES6) (2020)

In this video, I will show how to code a Todo List using HTML & CSS & JavaScript, where we will have a edit and remove button in every item of todo list. We will use some of JavaScript ES6 features like : classes, arrow functions …..


SOURCE CODE : (this code saves the changes even you refresh)


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23 responses to “Todo List Using HTML & CSS & JavaScript (2020)”

  1. Massive respect for you brother for sharing this however I request you to write simpler code next time because In this code there are so many things included which are tough to understand like unnecessary use of arrow functions on add event listener you could've used a normal function also the extra div that you made in the container class it was of no use also you could've used the prototype function directly instead of calling it with the constructor function all these things made code difficult to understand at once

    However I learned a lot from this so thank you very much

  2. Hi, I did it like a video, the button does not work. Line error

    line 102:

    function check(){

    if(input.value != ""){

    new item(input.value);

    input.value = "";


    js.js:73 Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'editbtn' before initialization
    at item.createDiv (js.js:73)
    at new item (js.js:63)
    at HTMLButtonElement.check (js.js:102)

    what's wrong?? help me please

  3. Hi, I'm having an issue with the index.ejs it gives me a SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier in views/index.ejs while compiling ejs.
    I literally copy and paste the code from GitHub.
    Great video btw <3

  4. Awesome video, would appreciate more if you would start to talk through your code in the future or add comments in advance that somewhat explain certain things, just an extra to help newbies. Great content, subbed!

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