Hey all!
Last night GOD asked me to figure out toon-shading in Cycles. Thankfully, HE never asks us to do something without helping us to do it! 😀
For about two hours I struggled to get rid of the smoothness that the background made and I looked online and I just could not find any information that was helpful. Only turning it off last night actually helped, but I need the background. Adding a sphere is not gonna work in every situation and this morning, HE gave me the solution, which is what I almost start with and that is Ray Visibility.
I did a small speed test with Blender Render and Cycles Render after editing the tutorial and I found that:
– Blender Render: 00:07.13 to render (that is CPU, 256×256, includes freestyle and no compositing)
– Blender Render: 00:09.62 to render (that is CPU, 16×16, includes freestyle and no compositing)
– Cycles Render: 00:07.48 to render (that is CPU, 16×16, includes Freestyle and no compositing)
– Cycles Render: 00:06.84 to render (that is GPU, 256×256, includes Freestyle and no compositing)
– Cycles Render: 00:07.22 to render (that is CPU, 256×256, includes freestyle and no compositing)
Conclusion is that it is faster to do toon shading with the GPU on Cycles.
– The resulting image is not the same toon-ness
– Blender Render gives you more control over specularity, lighting and colors.
– GPU crashes if your scene is very big.
Based on the tests and the buts, I think it is safe to say that Blender Render is, atm, the leading engine in Blender for toon shading.
Oh, the Thomas Dinges quote from Blender Guru can be found here:
(very helpful article to speed up your work in Cycles)
I used a character I made for another project as an example in this one. He was made using Make Human and of course edited in Blender quite extensively. I am super thankful that I don’t have to do characters from scratch… wow…
Check out Make Human here:
Check out Blender:
Biggest thanx to GOD for helping me with this. Without HIM, none of this would be possible! 😀
Know JESUS yet? GOD is reaching out to you through these videos. HE loves you more than you can imagine and wants you to know HIM. Not because HE’s lonely, but because HE loves you and paid a heavy price to enable you to go to Heaven, where HE is. See, we all have sinned in some way shape or form. That makes us guilty before GOD. If you have ever said that you hated someone, in GOD’s standard, you have committed murder (James 4). If you’ve ever looked on a person with lustful thinking, you’ve already committed fornication with them in your heart and you are then guilty of sexual impurity. If you were to face GOD on judgement day, saying: “I was a good person” will be a void argument, just like it would be before a human judge. GOD knew that we would have to pay that penalty and that we could not pay it, even if we tried, but sent JESUS to pay the price for us. Your sins were put on HIM and the forgiveness that is there for you was by no means cheap – the cross was not padded and comfortable, neither was the death.
But, HE was raised up on the third day (after being crucified) and finished the work so that we may enter through HIM paying the penalty we were supposed to pay, but it is only valid for you, if you accept it and live for HIM.
If that is you today, please, follow this prayer:
“JESUS, I believe that YOU are real and I believe YOU died for me and was raised on the third day for me. Please forgive me for my many sins. I make YOU the LORD of my life, full time and to fill me with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT. Teach me how to live for YOU, help me become what YOU have made me to be, in JESUS’ Name! Amen!”
To find out more, you can check out this link:
It gives you access to free Bible translations, free teaching videos and more. Remember, this is a decision with eternal consequence, choose life, choose JESUS. 😀
Have a great one!!!
Thank YOU!!!!!!
36 responses to “Toon shading in Cycles [Tutorial]”
…Did you make that character in MakeHuman ? The clothing looks similar to the character I made in MH…
very nice tipps an the right mindset make it simpler not more complicated
Wait, how do I make the lines thicker….
Last night GOD asked me to figure out toon-shading in Cycles. LOL. Awesome.
Thanks for this! I was banging my head against the wall trying to get this effect!
Thanks! I really needed a quicker, yet still good looking render, this really helps me out! Thanks a million, I can't say it enough. Also, no thank you for the description information, I've already discovered what I truly believe in.
Great video, but I seem to have the problem that in the darkest parts of my render I have some smooth shading, I'm not sure why it's doing this, here's a pic
Your voice sounds like you're in a church.
I honestly thought i accidentally clicked on one of Andrew Prices video-
Love the accent boet! You from South Africa right?
How did you get the outlines?
dude, this is so timely. praise Jesus for leading you to do this tut.
Hello! Great video! Really awesome stuff! Though I have one question… My final render doesn't have that "pencil-like" outline, is that supposed to be done with the toon shader?
i absolutely loooove how energetic you are in this video, keeps me focused
My character doesn't cast shadow to a plate. I use blender 2.77. I also don't have "device" under "render". Any help, please?
thx for this tutorial. This is just what I need. One question, will this work with an image texture applied to a toon material?
Very nicye done. Thank you
Does still works when its exported to use on Unity?
what did you turn on to get those outlines?
thank you for introducing me to both toon shading and the wisdom of GOD
muchas gracias compañero!
+Marius Oberholster – I am still getting grain (after following your steps) and I'm not sure why! I have outlined my issue in more detail on the blender forums here:
I just watched this again. Great tutorial!
what your video card?
Ok how do I get the cycles render look I made in blender game. I wanted a cartoon look for a game I'm creating but after tweaking settings in cycles render, when I go back to blender game it looks realistic again. How do I make the cycles render settings cross over to blender game. Please reply.
Thank you for sharing this and, of course, I'll thank GOD when I see him.
Marius , i follow your tutorial but i did not get those black lines around the model . the Cel shading . can you tell me where i can put it on ?
great tutorial, thanks for posting!
How did you get 3 color ramp on the hair?
Thank you so much man!! I've been looking for this type of rendering for over a year! Really helpful! Thank you for doing this!! 😉
I don't see a GPU option or devices setting in my render panel in cycles in version 2.72 and also when I'm finished following all the shader steps, the shader looks cartoonish where the light hits its surface, but it looks completely normal and realistic where there's shadow and the light can't directly get to it. It seems like the Ambient Occlusion causes a lot of that realism, but turning it off makes it so that there's absolutely no light hitting the unlit surfaces at all (pitch black).
Thank you very much! Using AO as ambient light. I would never figure it out. Thank you!
Thanks for the tutorial, Marius. Very, very helpful for someone just starting with Blender. Just one thing, what about the specular hightlight?
Hey man…great tutorial help me a lot!!!!
Hmm,I gave up on cycles for using it as npr a long time ago. Still have a nice gpu card which I could use. Want to try out what you just did on one of my models. Still hope for the viewport project where we could use opengl shading. That would power up things bigtime (only npr).
That's really helpful, thank you! 🙂