Understanding the Blender Cycles Material Node System


Have you ever wondered how Blender’s Cycles Render Engine’s node system worked? Have you created a lot of textures others have shared, but never understood how it worked? Now’s your chance to learn, as we go over the different nodes, and how to use them.


16 responses to “Understanding the Blender Cycles Material Node System”

  1. don't bother with the self-absorbed jerks. for the people that know some but not all this is a great way to internalize what you are already processing, so nice approach. its like having a conversation. cheers

  2. I'm confused over how like a mix shader can maybe malfunction. Like if you use transparency and refraction, maybe you get 2 different outgoing light projections. But maybe this is not a problem because the light does not actually get bent going through the object…? with refraction?

  3. Make shure that you tell newbies like my self that spent 2 hours wondering why my crap didnt look like yours.

    Reson is that up top on bar there is a BLENDER RENDER turn it to CYCLES,lol then all is well. I almost gave up

  4. I did forget to mention, that the blue/purple sockets are in fact Vector sockets. My apologies. There will be a follow-up video for this, introducing more intricate math node setups.

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