Understanding the Bootstrap 3 grid system


Here is a super quick tutorial on how to use the grid system for Bootstrap v3. Hopefully, the information in this video will help you to build websites that look great on mobile devices.

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4 responses to “Understanding the Bootstrap 3 grid system”

  1. Thanks for this video, David. After coding websites using Bootstrap 3 and making sure they were mobile-friendly, especially because Google demanded it, I did find your JQuery mobile tutorials intriguing. This video is a brilliant refresher for me. Thanks again!

  2. Hi David, first, thank you for all of your videos here, you are my virtual programming mentor from my PHP beginings and now I am planning two huge projects, so thank you again for your time.
    I see you have got SourceTree installed. Have you considered making a video about versioning your PHP projects and updating them on server using git or something similar?

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