When NOT to Use the Principled Shader in Blender


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The Principled shader is an excellent addition to Blender’s shader system. But I’ve also seen enough confusion and misconception about the uber shader to warrant a discussion.

In this live stream we’ll talk about what the Principle Shader is, when it’s useful, and when it’s not so useful.


23 responses to “When NOT to Use the Principled Shader in Blender”

  1. Principle have only one purpose, photoreal render made with PBR texture made with substance painter and désigner, also 3D Coat and Quixel texture, but if you want more cartoon or custom shader it s another story, but there other PBR shader to Côme with the 2.80 version of blender, and some open source shading tool have to come.

  2. Thanks for a great video. This helped my finally making a "correct" pearl-shimmer material for a project which is great! One thing you did get wrong however… The hologram shader is completely doable with the principled shader. You just need to use color values higher than 1 to get an emissive material. Many of the settings on the shader are able to go higher than the default "stop" -values for them.

  3. Hey great videos CG cookie, I was wondering, any plans for making an up to date video that can go into UV Unwrapping on the most recent version? I'd at least like to know if there is a bug or something, because all pre made Mesh objects, when opened in the UV editor, will auto unwrap. But if i alter that shape just a bit, and attempt every seam i can think to work, it just simply will not unwrap

  4. i think principled could be added with all material properties. (you could have a preconfigured material, like glass, wood concrete et.c.) just settings for different material and can be exported/imported. (like how light passes thru).

  5. Principled (and others) "CAN" do emission alone.
    The problem is the sampling isn't as clean and the results differ from Emission and all in all it's better to just use Emission.
    What you do is set the colors to go beyond 1.0. For example, if you click the Color Input value then select one of the sliders and type in "100", it will cause that color to shine bright like an emitter.

  6. The beauty of Principled existing is that you have that choice to use it when you need to throw a realistic looking surface together fast or if you know what you're doing, fine tune the existing shaders to get EXACTLY what you're looking for out of a material.

  7. Half of the truth is yes, the Principled shader may be just enough for all your needs and the other half is that, sometimes, you want a specific custom material for X reasons and have full control on it and that's when you'll need the rest of the nodes.

  8. Ive found the Principled to be a bit faster .. Can be used for 95% of use cases .. so yeah its the Ultimate Shader !! ( Dont know why you would set a limit to one node, its to be used with others !! )

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