1. Blender Low-Poly Human Model [BEGINNER FRIENDLY] — Setting Up


EDIT: IF YOU FIND THIS TUTORIAL TOO FAST TO FOLLOW, PLEASE WATCH THIS!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2bIhhxW2p8&index=2&list=PLhEFRhEnz05vp8OZu5-5o6VO0fP2Wx_gS — I made this to hopefully help some of those who found this one confusing!

In this series I’m going to be taking you step-by-step into my process of creating a low-poly human model, with clothing and accessories. I know Blender has a confusing interface, and I struggled for a while trying to find a process that worked for me… So I thought I’d help you guys out.

In this specific video, we’ll be learning how to set up the beginning of the mesh. I use this set-up for all my models.

Any comments about how to improve my video, what you like or disliked, or any questions, will be looked over!

If you’d like to see more of my work, visit my tumblr @ http://www.rosemoth.com

My portfolio site: www.cherylynnlima.com

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Email me for any reason at; lima.cherylynn@gmail.com

My site/portfolio: www.cherylynnlima.com
Tumblr: www.rose-moth.tumblr.com
twitter: www.twitter.com/rose_moth

Here’s the file image, by popular request. Good luck!
~Flutter on, my mothlings!


27 responses to “1. Blender Low-Poly Human Model [BEGINNER FRIENDLY] — Setting Up”

  1. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR!!!!!!!! thank you so so so much!!!! i have the motivation and the concept and ive been looking all over to find tutorials to help me build my idea but i could not. find. them. and this is just what i needed!!!! <333

  2. My two cents here: It's best to avoid any scaling in object mode as this tends to create relational inconsistencies between any future child objects. Try to practice manipulations only in edit mode just for risk mitigation.
    Just started thinking about chibi figures so I'm looking forward to the next videos, 😉

  3. how the heck do you scale this? how do you even move the camera?

    a good idea is to go back into your editing and put what commands you used to do these things?

    It took me minutes to figure out to delete the box you have to press X.

    you really need to treat the people watching this as if they've never touched blender before. Especially if it's titled "BEGINNER FRIENDLY"

  4. what was your first. 3d model that got you into making more and if you are going to implement this in a game engine such as unity how would you make the whole mesh all quad polygons and triangles

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